Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

Just got out. I'm glad it's s quick procedure but I'm be hurting for awhile. I have a feeling a contest test will pop up at some point today to take my mind off all of it.

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about all of that. I have back issues as well. It's so painful and frustrating due to how much it limits you. I've resigned myself to the fact that I get to look like Professor X someday and wheel around due to it. I may just send you a get well Star Wars coffee mug in addition to crowning a winner for my contest.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I'm awake for the whole thing so I can tell them if I feel pain or numbness going down my legs while they're zapping the nerves. Not a great time but at least it's over with. Now I go home and wait for all the numbing agents to wear off and ready myself for a miserable few days.

On a side note: I reread this post and fixed half a dozen mistakes :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Hopefully the pain is manageable for you! And focus on the idea that it's all so that you can feel better overall.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I have guesses logged in from these so far on my current contest.

Darth Madden
Re: Freaktacular 2015

View attachment 217197

CONTEST - Create a new Horror Movie Icon

In a time where Hollywood lacks ideas and imagination your task is to create a new horror movie icon. Your antagonist can be human/alien/robot/monster/whatever you would like it to be.

Your idea will be judged in the following areas:

1. Character name

2. Origin

3. Appearance
(This requires a brief sketch minimum however it will be judged on concept and originality. It’s not a drawing contest however please feel free to be as creative and artistic as you like).

4. Weapon

5. The victims

6. The name of the movie your character would star in

Each area will be marked out of 10 and the scores will be added up to give an overall mark out of 60. The person with the highest score wins. The prize will be an amazon email voucher.


-All entries must be PM’d to me however please share your ideas in the thread too.
-Only one entry per member.

The closing date is at 14:00 GMT Sunday 25th October.

Good luck!

Greygoose I really like your contest idea. I will work on this through the week and PM you my final entry, but since you said to share ideas, here's a teaser for my movie.

Title: Vicarious

Opening Scene: Evening, after dinner. We see a house from across the street. You cannot see much detail, but can clearly see the lights on in several windows on the first floor. Quiet neighborhood. Slowly, as if someone's carrying a portable camera, the shot zooms towards the house, and towards one of the lit windows. As we approach, we can see the family in the house laughing, sitting around the table, playing some board game.

Cut to inside (through the window): We're in a well-lit living room, rotating camera view around the family who is quite clearly enjoying a game of Monopoly. They are joking with each other, laughing, eating some snack food. This looks like a great family of four. After a minute, the camera rotates slowly back to the father, who is finishing a laugh at some joke, and then slowly frowns slightly as he puts his hand up to his temple. Slight grimace, but then goes back to playing with his family. After another few seconds he puts his hand back to his head and gets up. Wife asks if everything is OK. He smiles at her and says sure, he's just going to take some aspirin for a headache. The camera starts to pan out some as he leaves for the bathroom and the family continues to play their game.

Cut to opening credits.

Scene 2: The front of the same house, daytime. Police tape at the front door, police cars in the front, and a group of neighbors standing around looking concerned on the street nearby. The camera cuts inside, and we see police working a crime scene, where its obvious several people were the victims of some terrible crime. We overhear one officer/detective talking to another, and the gist of the conversation is that it looks like the father killed his family during family game night. Neighbors have told officers that the family seemed like a great family, and they cannot believe that the father would do such a thing. It didn't seem like it was in his character at all, but the scene in the living room shows otherwise.

More later...
Re: Freaktacular 2015

And since the first annual Spook Punk Prize has been revealed... let's give another one away!

Prize is a 2015 Spook Punk Prize and small Sam print. :)


This one is easier...
1) Answer the question below. Closest without going over wins.
2) Contest will end Oct 20 @ 9am EST
3) Only one guess per person
4) Must be a previous participant in Freaktaculars and not a looky-loo contest lurker

Question: As of this post, How many PS3 Games do I currently own?

I'll guess 48! I PMd you the answer, but didn't realize we posted them in here. :lol
Re: Freaktacular 2015

And since the first annual Spook Punk Prize has been revealed... let's give another one away!

Prize is a 2015 Spook Punk Prize and small Sam print. :)


This one is easier...
1) Answer the question below. Closest without going over wins.
2) Contest will end Oct 20 @ 9am EST
3) Only one guess per person
4) Must be a previous participant in Freaktaculars and not a looky-loo contest lurker

Question: As of this post, How many PS3 Games do I currently own?

I'm gonna go with 124 games! :rock


That is amazing Veil! Great job! :rock

You should do one of Batfleck Batman kicking Superman's butt! :rock :D

Can I get that in a sig? :lol

That'd be awesome haha.

Team Batfleck all the way! :D
His body makes me feel all warm and tingly inside! :wink1: :rotfl

Just got out. I'm glad it's s quick procedure but I'm be hurting for awhile. I have a feeling a contest test will pop up at some point today to take my mind off all of it.

Glad to hear it went well at least. It's a tough gig, but hope it all goes as wished.

Back probs are the worse. I'm hoping my previous accidents don't do much for me in the future.
Re: Freaktacular 2015



Alright, I am actually changing up my contest.

The contest is: make any artistic form that depict a movie, a scene, a character that scared and scarred you as young kid.

Since Punk and GB are doing artistic contest, feel free to even use the same thing for here.

It could be paint, sketch, or even a doodle on your cell phone! :rock

I actually have a prize, thanks to the generosity of mrdbios! The prize is TWO Fabrikations figures!

The entries are due by 11:59:59 p.m. on 10/31!

Anyone can enter! Contentinetal 48 can win the prize, international Freaks can still win a Funko fig (of your choice from me!)

Can't wait to see what people do! And let's keep rocking this Spook! :rock :rock :duff
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Wait, I'm doing what for what?

Just kidding. I'm out shopping with the kiddos but when I return I'll post a picture of the prize for Doc's contest. Make your entries good!
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Here is the grand prize for CallMeTheDoctor's Spook/Freaktacular contest.


That's right, the winner of this awesome contest gets BOTH of these Fabrications figures, #13 Chewbacca and #2 Yoda. These are the larger, soft figures by Funko. They are both brand new.

Please see the rules posted by CallMeTheDoctor, and we both look forward to seeing your submissions!

Happy Freaktacular!!
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Here is the grand prize for CallMeTheDoctor's Spook/Freaktacular contest.

View attachment 218062

That's right, the winner of this awesome contest gets BOTH of these Fabrications figures, #13 Chewbacca and #2 Yoda. These are the larger, soft figures by Funko. They are both brand new.

Please see the rules posted by CallMeTheDoctor, and we both look forward to seeing your submissions!

Happy Freaktacular!!

Those are awesome!! Thanks Callme & Mrdbios!! :hi5:

I just secured my Star Wars IMAX tickets for the 17th about 90 minutes ago, so I'm all set! :yess:
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I'm going to wait for awhile to see it. I don't think I'll be able to handle the crowds. I may see if I can see the screening from my old manager at the theater I worked at in college but that's probably a long shot.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Lucky! I'm still fighting Fandango to get tickets. The interwebs are broken!

Yeah, I was refreshing about an hour before they officially went on sale, and something opened up for me and I was able to secure the tickets! Lucky too, because now the entire Cineplex website is down, and right before it went down I saw that all shows on the 17th around here are sold out. Good luck!!!

I'm going to wait for awhile to see it. I don't think I'll be able to handle the crowds. I may see if I can see the screening from my old manager at the theater I worked at in college but that's probably a long shot.

That'd be awesome if you could!! But yeah, it's going to be crazy busy for a while. I hate crowds too, but this is one I'll fight through them for. Plus, the movie will be fast and loud and IF you can get in opening night, usually fans want to take it all in just as much. There'll be cheering and all, but there won't be people talking during quiet parts...they'll suffer a dark fate if they do! :lol

I'm trying to get tickets on Sunday too, but the site is down, so I may have to wait until I get home from work tonight.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I'm super pumped about the trailer. Can't wait to see this. Rey seems legit. And the fact that Luke is still being hidden is great
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I'm super pumped about the trailer. Can't wait to see this. Rey seems legit. And the fact that Luke is still being hidden is great

I don't watch trailers...spoilers are going to be tough to avoid (I consider pretty much any screenshot a spoiler, as my mind goes into Rain Man status and somehow builds a story around a single shot that usually tends to be true...a terrible gift. :lol ) because everyone is posting pictures all over Facebook and such. Lots of "Delete Post" clicks happening for me tonight and moving forward! :lol

Either way, this is going to be a brutal wait! I'm so excited for this...such a great time to be a Star Wars fan! :fireworks:lsvader
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Glad you're "back".

Did you just get a local anesthetic, or did they put you to sleep? When I had my wisdom teeth removed, they said the general anesthetic would put me to sleep, but they lied. I was awake for the whole thing! I remember what they were talking about, what they were doing, all of it. I didn't feel any of it and really didn't care what they were doing, but I do remember all of it!
At least this didn't happen to you:
