Freaked Out
Did you hear about Elm Studios he makes busts too of Robocop i bought one of Predator from him last year and its solid, detailed and really highend.
Hate to say everyone "I warned you"....but...I warned you.
Major bummer!
What could have been a great piece to have is disappointing, we have ordered and then cancelled it twice, just not having the faith in the final product in order to go thrum with the order...Halyard we didn't, but as a big robot fan also very disappointed, as hubby and I did plan on getting this in the future....
And the packing job?????? What the intercourse is that????? Ive packed ebay hasbro pieces better!!! Styrofoam blocks and crunched up paper???????
The Barton fellow,if you are reading this - Artist you are not. A true artist would take pride in his creation and protect each and every one like if it was his first born.
I received my bust on Friday in two pieces .... head seperated from the chest. I was and am pretty pissed. I waited a freaking year for this, having faith in a miracle and it was not to be.
Mine is/was #58/250, states it was made June 2012.
I really like this bust. Besides the decapitation ... LOL .... the detail is spot on, didnt find any other major flaws though you cant look past the lack of head and total loss of worth after such a critical injury ... hahah.
I will see if I can get it replaced ... not sure what the chance of that is. If number two comes in similar or worse condition I will ask for a full refund.
I am in Canada and the person on the phone, 'Trevor', indicated that I would get back my taxes/customs cost if I were to get a refund. I would have liked to have that in writing because I am thinking I will hear a different song sung when I go ahead to ask for that but we will see. I will give it another chance. It is a really nice piece .... I am not sure why the god damn neck was so thinly made, I swear it is like 2 millimeters thick. If it had of been 5 x as thick it would survive some jarring but as thin as it is and as poor as the packaging is it has no chance really ... still going to give it another try.
Not really sure about that.
If he bought from sideshow, then yes he'll get his customs taxes back
Are you sure he will get customs charges and other taxes back? From your own experience? That would be cool but from what I know Sideshow says they are not covering themselves for any of other countries taxes, customs charges, VAT etc.
Refunds-Amount and Posting
VAT, Customs fees, Duty and Advancement fee reimbursements.
International customers will only receive a refund of the actual product price and shipping cost (when appropriate) charged to them. They will need to complete and submit the appropriate reimbursement paperwork to their customs office for reimbursement of VAT, Duty and Customs fees. The Fed Ex Advancement fee is non-refundable.
And the packing job?????? What the intercourse is that?????
I am about to destroy my Skaar PF and that's what Sideshow told me.