ES is 500 for the Ex
Plus the NRD? Or was that including it?
Got ya. That's not bad deal off of it.
They would look cool next to each other. Barad-Dur is going to be fairly heavy so I'd worry about putting too much on the same shelf.
Is it solid enough there to handle the weight?
that looks like an amish cabinet, those things are built to withstand a nuclear blast i think.
I will display them with no helmets and put the 1/6 GG bust helmets on the display base
I though that was such a good display idea Adolfo, that I went ahead and bought the GG Frodo and Sam busts off ebay today.
Should look really good...thanks Adolfo
I can handle true busts but do not get these half-person type of collectibles. One GG piece, a Star Wars one probably an ewok, I think we even cut off at the knees. Why not just make the whole thing at that point?
I like the Harry Potter ones that cut off at the waist - that's all you need really, why worry about legs?
And that also means they're small enough for the cost to be in the bust range rather than a statue range, and take up less room. The HP ones are really well done.