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I will pass on this one :nono :wave . Do not feel too confident about the clothes, I do wonder how they will look when the mass production will start. In my opinion, Lurtz is much more impressive.
If I compare Frodo to Lurtz I am just a little disappointed. Lurtz looks like he is alive and can step off his base at any moment.
Likeness aside, can someone answer something for me?

Compare the SSW Frodo statue to this PF figure. Why are the clothes so much different? Since both have Sting and do not have the Elven cloak they are based on how Frodo looked between Rivendell (where he received Sting) and Lothlorien (where he received the Elven cloak) yet the clothing looks quite a bit different. Why?
Fritz said:
Likeness aside, can someone answer something for me?

Compare the SSW Frodo statue to this PF figure. Why are the clothes so much different? Since both have Sting and do not have the Elven cloak they are based on how Frodo looked between Rivendell (where he received Sting) and Lothlorien (where he received the Elven cloak) yet the clothing looks quite a bit different. Why?

i think it might be from where the figure is based on. if i remember, the SSW one was done with Elijah posing outside his trailer as he was photographed for that pose. the PF one is based on the Moria theme but i can figure where the closeup of the stairs would be-probably after the battle in Balin's tomb...

perhaps someone can get pics from FOTR of that exact pose.
there are some photos from the movies where Frodo looks downright ugly esp in the two towers (see topps cards)...perhaps they based it on the wrong scene which is why we dont see good semblance. the eye paint is disappointing i agree...

ah well, if i dont like it when it comes out, i can cancel my order and get it off ebay for 50% off!!
JohnyBoo said:
If I compare Frodo to Lurtz I am just a little disappointed. Lurtz looks like he is alive and can step off his base at any moment.

where as frodo is about to fall backwards off those steps...
I have put my order in today - but there is really not much premium I see about this statue... so I may be cancelling it soon.

I am really not too excited about it - maybe even a bit disappointed... for the first time actually since I'm collecting SSW / LotR.

The 1/6 scale Frodo is no great sculpt either - but I am happy to have it as it was the only way to have a complete fellowship in 1/6 scale.

Let's see where the PF line goes - at least the start with Lurtz was great!
dayhiker said:
where as frodo is about to fall backwards off those steps...

That works though. Elijah falls backwards in the films at least a gazillion times throughout the trilogy. Do a count next time you watch the'll be amazed...and probably laugh a little. :wacky
Even though I'm looking forward to seeing other major characters in PF format, I'm really going to be more excited about the generic characters (if they're made).

Lurtz rocks and I haven't read anyone disagree. The reason I think Lurtz is praised so high is because Weta never gave us this figure in armor, he has sculpted armor (which fits and looks better than fabric and cloth IMO) and his face is not soley based off a human likeness. Plus he has an exclusive with a very cool change of weapons. You can change out the regular arms with the exlusive arms and almost have a new piece.
Frodo is the complete opposite in those aspects and has gotten very mixed reviews. (Personally, I don't have much of a problem with the PF Frodo other than the "wet hair" and the eye paint. I still don't like the nameplates just because it forces the statue to be displayed at a specific angle but that's just me.)

The two problems I see with major characters are:

1. A good number of us have the LOTR Weta pieces. As an example, I have the Weta Frodo statue and bust. The likeness isn't there for either. I like them but I have no need for a 3rd Frodo piece who's likeness isn't there. For a lot of people, the likeness is going to have to be very close to buy duplicates of characters they have even though it's a different format.

2. These are $250 - $350 a piece. The more expensive a piece, the more critcial people will be of it. With the 12" line, even if the likeness isn't there it's almost worth the $50-$60 for the handful of accessories alone. With a $250+ price tag and no accessories (with Frodo anyway) the likeness to the actor is really going to have to be there.

That's why I'm hoping to see more PF's like a Uruk-hai pikesman from Helm's Deep, a Mordo Orc, Gollum, Treebeard or another ent, etc. With human figures, I'm hoping to see some generic soldiers who's faces aren't based off a specific actor's likeness and that have great armor like the Gondorian Fountain Guard, Prologue Elven Warrior, etc.

With that being said, I still hope to see major characters including ones we didn't get from Weta like Faramir (in ranger outfit) and Haldir (in elven armor from Helm's Deep). I just hope cool generic characters aren't overlooked with this line because they could be realy crowd pleasers!

Again, this is all my opinion and I could be completely wrong but those are my thoughts. :cool:

P.S. Sorry for the long post.
Thanks for the photos Josh. One thing I notice now is it kind of looks like he has his hair parted in the middle which I don't care for but it's not that big a deal.
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