I agree in theory, but how can you really display a LOTR collection without Frodo. You could arguably do without Pippin or Merry, but certainly Gandalf, Aragorn and Frodo would have to be there, right?
Personally, I have always considered the PF line a way for me to obtain pieces for their detail, a la: Galadhrim Archer, Theoden in armor, and on from there. However, for those who were going to part with their Weta pieces in favor of an entirely new line, I can certainly understand the dilemma.
A piece being what some may say is passable is hardly exciting enough to want an entire Fellowship or to consider it much improved. Your point about not "having to get expensive statues" is precisely it, the $$$ and the product to some, doesn't add up. And how can you have a PF LOTR collection, even a sampling without Frodo?
I want to also make it clear that I am in fact going to get this piece, and am not in anyway trying to incite things. I will be getting it however at WAY below retail and that is my real solice.