Furiosa (May 24, 2024)

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How come there are no action figures or toy lines from this franchise? Not even in the 80's, and everything got a toy line in the 80's.

I wish Playmobile would make Max and the Interceptor, as well as some of the villains and vehicles. Some 1/12 figures and 1/6th scale collectibles would be nice too.

A full toy line with vehicles would be so cool, and yet nothing. They have Funko Pops, but that's it. It's such a wasted opportunity.
How come there are no action figures or toy lines from this franchise? Not even in the 80's, and everything got a toy line in the 80's.

I wish Playmobile would make Max and the Interceptor, as well as some of the villains and vehicles. Some 1/12 figures and 1/6th scale collectibles would be nice too.

A full toy line with vehicles would be so cool, and yet nothing. They have Funko Pops, but that's it. It's such a wasted opportunity.
Remove Fury Road and Furiosa from the equation and remember that the first 3 are super niche B movies and yes probably the best B movies ever made involving vehicles no doubt about that but nonetheless still B movies.

They were not what was driving (no pun intended) toys in the 80’s that’s for certain.

But hell yeah we need 1/6 from this franchise, all of it!

Toe cutter with rooted hair lol
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Bad Girls, Bad Girls... whatcha gonna do...?
How come there are no action figures or toy lines from this franchise? Not even in the 80's, and everything got a toy line in the 80's.

I wish Playmobile would make Max and the Interceptor, as well as some of the villains and vehicles. Some 1/12 figures and 1/6th scale collectibles would be nice too.

A full toy line with vehicles would be so cool, and yet nothing. They have Funko Pops, but that's it. It's such a wasted opportunity.
I know for a long time there was a stigma with toys from r rated films, Kenner tried Alien figures in the late 70s after SW happened. But that kind of went away in the late eighties early nineties with Kenner doing things like RoboCop and Terminator. Plus like someone said they have bigger audiences than Mad Max. Plus Warner didnt really come into the equation until Thunderdome. So there’s probably a lot of reasons, legal maybe as well. It tooks years for BTTF figures and Indy figures came and went several times.
Clown wants toys sure why not but look we’re just lucky that coming off the super low budget MM1 that Road Warrior didn’t turn out like Megaforce lol

Now where are those damn toys from Revenge of the Octagon Delta Force USA Ninja lol
What a track record this series has. From Mad Max to Furiosa, just amazing.

Sure Thunderdome drags in the middle and even goes full Return of the Jedi for a time but don't we all WISH that Return of the Jedi was as bad as Star Wars ever got!
How many B movies like MM1 turned into a B movie masterpiece with Road Warrior then into AAA high budget masterpieces like Furiosa and Fury Road?

Not many franchises can claim that, right?

T1 B movie masterpiece into AAA T2 ok sure but that’s just ONE movie.

I guess that depends on if ANH and Alien are considered B movies.

If ANH is a B movie masterpiece then ESB and RO are the AAA sequels, sorry ROTJ you’ve been replaced by RO!

Alien B movie masterpiece then AAA Aliens follow up but just like Terminator only ONE movie!

Definitely not:

Die Hard
How many B movies like MM1 turned into a B movie masterpiece with Road Warrior then into a AAA high budget masterpieces like Furiosa and Fury Road?

Not many franchises can claim that, right?

T1 B movie masterpiece into AAA T2 ok sure but that’s just ONE movie.

I guess that depends on if ANH and Alien are considered B movies.

If ANH is a B movie masterpiece then ESB and RO are the AAA sequels, sorry ROTJ you’ve been replaced by RO!

Alien B movie masterpiece then AAA Aliens follow up but just like Terminator only ONE movie!
And every one of those franchises you mention has tons and tons of GARBAGE! Not so with Mad Max even after five films!
And every one of those franchises you mention has tons and tons of GARBAGE! Not so with Mad Max even after five films!
Well….that all depends on your acceptance of the super low budget MM1 which I absolutely love and Thunderdome which I have come to appreciate more once I saw the desert presented way more menacing than even Dune 1 or Dune 2.

Still though TRW/Furiosa/FR are the LOTR of post apocalyptic movies!

What in the world is wrong with people...?
Reality and fiction are very mixed for a lot of people....

People think the Batchelor is real ...and if a film says "based on a true story" it's literally documentary of what actually happened....
Didn't Miller specifically demand no Fury Road merchandise? Something about him not wanting to dilute the film if I recall.
JazzInc was trying to get the rights to make 1/6 scale vehicles. In a interview Joost said he was approached by WB to make them, only for WB to find out they don't have the rights to license any 3D objects for the Mad Max series. He elaborated it's a licensing mess.
How many B movies like MM1 turned into a B movie masterpiece with Road Warrior then into AAA high budget masterpieces like Furiosa and Fury Road?

Not many franchises can claim that, right?

T1 B movie masterpiece into AAA T2 ok sure but that’s just ONE movie.

I guess that depends on if ANH and Alien are considered B movies.

If ANH is a B movie masterpiece then ESB and RO are the AAA sequels, sorry ROTJ you’ve been replaced by RO!

Alien B movie masterpiece then AAA Aliens follow up but just like Terminator only ONE movie!

Definitely not:

Die Hard

Star Wars and Alien were absolutely B movies of the day. Most of the best movies of the 70's and 80's are B movies.
How many B movies like MM1 turned into a B movie masterpiece with Road Warrior then into AAA high budget masterpieces like Furiosa and Fury Road?

Not many franchises can claim that, right?

T1 B movie masterpiece into AAA T2 ok sure but that’s just ONE movie.

I guess that depends on if ANH and Alien are considered B movies.

If ANH is a B movie masterpiece then ESB and RO are the AAA sequels, sorry ROTJ you’ve been replaced by RO!

Alien B movie masterpiece then AAA Aliens follow up but just like Terminator only ONE movie!

Definitely not:

Die Hard
And every one of those franchises you mention has tons and tons of GARBAGE! Not so with Mad Max even after five films!

Mad Max has 5 good/great films in 45 years.

That's like a movie every 9 years. Quality over quantity. That's pretty cool.

I'll be senior citizen or dead when the next one comes out. Can't wait. :lol