I’m good with them trying to salvage the Snyderverse continuity, if that’s their play. Comics have employed retcons for nearly as long as they’ve existed as a medium, so, when it comes to all the stellar casting they got for the DCEU, no use throwing the baby out with the proverbial bath water.
All things considered, though: if it’s Gunn and Safran in charge, this is one instance where I do think Snyder needs studio babysitters. To paraphrase Max Lord, “ZSJL is good, but it could be better.” Snyder needs to stop with the masturbatory slow-motion money shots, for one thing. Completely negates the impact of that final shot on the cliff that looked like a Ross splash page when you have…Wonder Woman standing on a gargoyle for 2 minutes…Batman standing on a gargoyle for 2 minutes…Aquaman taking his shirt off to rock music in slow-mo for 2 minutes…
You get my point. Movie ain’t had no reason on God’s holy earth to be four hours long. None. Zero, zilch, nada. And as far as that gratuitous slow-motion tomfoolery padding the runtime goes, I’m convinced Ezra Miller got the idea for their weird, Norwegian pervert cult from Barry Allen’s creepy, slow mo “Iris West with a flying hot dog” scene. You could’ve set that thing to Animotion’s “Obsession” and it would’ve felt less disingenuous than all that atmospheric, self-serious Enya nonsense they had going for it.
End of the day, I like Zack Snyder. He seems to be a genuine, albeit slightly naive dude who people have nothing but nice things to say about. But the guy needs an editor and a sense of humor because if you don’t have that? The whole thing falls apart. Like, I’m sorry, but as a huge New Gods fan, you cannot afford to tackle that pantheon without tongue planted firmly in cheek. Kirby knew that when he created them and he relied on the subtext to deliver the heavy blows to the reader in terms of pathos, symbolism, commentary, and so forth. The man knew his audience and he knew the gig, which is why he was about as subtle as a jackhammer in actually crafting those characters.
Mr. Miracle is
Scott Free. Darkseid is…
Darkseid. Your big bad is literally called Darkseid and he’s surrounded by a goon squad comprised of a torturer, again, literally named Desaad, an old lady called Granny Goodness, some weird little Hitler lookin’ dude called Baron Vundabar, and their Minister of Propganda Glorious Godfrey.
Gunn has the right sensibilities for that stuff, he can somehow defy the odds and dial up the camp without sacrificing the horror. He did it with Starro. Snyder does not. He doesn’t know how to wield nuance in his favor and he tries to fit every square peg into a round hole like he’s directing an episode of Game of Thrones. He can’t make these characters edgy. If he does, it’s going to make them seem even more ridiculous and he’s going to crash and burn. And that’s why I feel like they can’t let him reign free. Ray Fisher’s Twitter rants about it be damned…