FX series "Legion"

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Is this on a separate universe?

Hawley says there's room for it to connect to the films later on, specially since the upcoming X-Factor Investigations show on FOX will directly connect from the start.
It's pretty good and it gets better as it progresses. I don't know if the last several minutes are real or part of his "condition", but it seems real.

The constant commercials really hurt the flow of the show though..
Awesome but no doubt some would not like the multiple personalities. Too complicated for the simple minded but it helps if one read his comic series. Wonder if we actually get to see others mutant besides him.
I figured the whole season would be in the mental institution, but apparently not. It was just to introduce the state he's in. It's interesting, but certainly was all over the place.

Anyone else think that the devil with the yellow eyes is the Shadow King?
Absolutely brilliant.

Christ, Hawley is a talented bastard. Stunning visuals, gorgeous sets and a fantastic character-driven arc from start to finish make for the most intelligent Marvel TV adaptation thus far.

Stevens and Keller are superb. Their journey is fascinating ans refreshingly honest. They could have shown zero power displays in this first episode and I'd still be glued to the screen watching them.

Artistically and creatively this obliterates Netflix's Daredevil which up until now was my favorite Marvel-based show.

Hawley should be doing X-Men films.

I will watch tonight. Hopefully i enjoy it. Not really familiar with the character though.
It's pretty good and it gets better as it progresses. I don't know if the last several minutes are real or part of his "condition", but it seems real.

The constant commercials really hurt the flow of the show though..

Don't watch it as it airs. Get the season pass on Amazon which is 4K and no commercials. The episode goes up a few hours after it airs. I'm like you, commercial interruption drives me nuts. I've used Amazon for all of Hawley's shows and every season of The Strain.