This is related to Classified.
I'm in a part of the country that is not near an Ollies discount chain store. If anyone here has a commute/shopping path that brings them normally through an Ollies on a regular basis, and might be willing to do a fellow collector a favor, I'd appreciate it. PM if willing. Will try to work something out hobby wise to compensate for time and effort as well. Also I might be able to exchange local brick and mortar "toy hunt" favors in return, etc. Thanks.
Odd that you bring up Ollies, went there for the first time today and... they had nothing of interest. A bunch of Marvel legends and D&D figures no one wants. mostly for $10, which is too much for what it is. They did have those Starting lineup Basketball figures for $8, No Classified figures there. And the Graphic novel selection is abysmal.
I've seen far better deals at Ross stores.
I did pick up the Action Recon Diver at Target today, $5 off $30+ and yeah, felt like I needed to make the trip worth the effort. There's some odd decisions here, making the rebreather & regulator one piece glued down to the mask, the hoses attached to the rebreather unit are too stiff causing it to lift away from resting down on the chest, including the Oxygen tank from Torpedo that no hose can connect to, including a slab sided suppressor that no military would use in combat because it's awkward to install in the field (including a pouch indicating this soldier is planning to do just that), putting a hole in the rebreather so that the nav board could unrealistically attach to it, limiting the neck articulation so the diver can't practically look up while swimming.
That said, I still really like this figure! Contrary to what some reviewers have said, the two heads included are different sculpts if you look closely and, the sculpt/paint is fantastic on both, the suit isn't all black, it's a very dark gray with some black painted panels, the webgear and floatation vest are new sculpts and look great, the transparent mask looks great (why didn't Torpedo have this?), the submersible vehicle is done well and I really like the explosive satchel and rifle he comes with. Great paint & prints throughout.
Unfortunately, the Snake Eyes heads have different sized neck pegs so a slight mod needs to be used to make what I feel is a Jim Lee Comic accurate Snake Eyes, something I was planning on making here. Easiest solution is to just swap the neck peg with a Marvel Legends one. Planning on buying at least one more Recon Diver eventually.