Thanks for not deleting this thread Dave! You have to admit, I've been bringing the awesome threads as of late. Clearly I'm at MOD status now. Clearly.
I felt the same way at first but I think it’s growing on me. Can’t sign just yet. (I want to see a 306 degree view asap) The gloves do have to go. Sideshow please give him the basic black trooper gloves. These S.O.L.A.G. gloves should only be used by the Joes. I think the leather jacket works. Perhaps these elite troops have such big egos that they flaunt around their Fonzie-like coolness. Actually the uniform looks to be a mixture of some kind of rider with the biker/ equestrian style boots and biker leather jackets (the pants as well). I could totally see the Crimson Guards having armor plates embedded in these leather jackets.
The pants imo needs to have more leather on the sides, and need the silver stripes along side them. The crotch leather piece looks a little odd. Perhaps a little wider or just remove it from the crotch entirely. (I vote to remove it)
The helmet looks a little funky from the isometric views. (Looks great from the front) From what I can tell from the images released the very least the helmet needs is a little red paint on the sides and the back. Somewhat like this…
So I guess my question is: Would Sideshow be willing to make the exclusive with the leather jacket and the regular all cloth? If this is possible I would definitely be buying one of each plus extras of my favorite version.
I know this is wordy but the Crimson Guards are one of my favorites characters from G.I. JOE, and I want it to be close to perfect as possible before I dish out $139.99 ea. on these. Please take your time fine-tuning these Sideshow, thanks. Cobraaaa!!!
I have to amend my previous post. They'll make more money if they use soft leather with a matte finish. It'll cost more, but they'll sell more. Bigger edition size guys. Think about it...
after seeing the full release i have to admit; i like the figure very much. just please tone down the sheen of the leather. only a matte finish on the leather parts would truly work. and a fully painted helmet would not hurt either.
Personally speaking . . . I'm fine/OK with the figure "as is", but . . . in reading comments by others . . . if Sideshow ends up making the outfit "uniform" (i.e. cloth, pleather, whatever) for the tunic & pants . . . and maybe revising the helmet sculpt, then I'm on board as well.