...[T]here was some concern that the traditionally raven-haired Baroness may have been made blonde. Naturally, there was outrage: how dare they deviate from the original, slightly altering a fading memory of our childhood. Baroness was only a believable high-ranking member of a snake-themed international terrorist organization because of her familiar dark hair. A blonde female baron? Please.
But it turns out our concerns may have been unfounded, as Sienna Miller has now confirmed to Acess Hollywood that she wears a black wig in the film:
I play this character called The Baroness. I have a black wig, and guns, and leather, and it's all fantastic.
Also, I was wrong about the G.I. Joe movie being a terrible idea made to capitalize on a current interest in blind patriotism and '80s nostalgia. It turns out it's all fantastic.