Here's a bit of an update to the Cyclops from earlier today. I was on OSW reading a tutorial and it was suggested that brushes be used to smooth out the sculpt and give it a more finished look. And since I hadn't baked this guy yet I gave it a shot. I think it really makes a difference:
I think the biggest differences are around the sides of the nose and around the mouth.
Hey again, I decided to try a actual person this time and went with Rod Serling... so submitted for your approval
I think I got fairly close on this, but the eyes are a too big. Unfortunately I noticed that after the first baking. I also tried to have his ears sticking out, but I didn't account for the depth of the hair.
And before hair application or baking and some modifications.
So again any feedback would be appreciated as I move on to the next :chew
Galactic! Are you kidding me. Holy Hell! Look how far you have come in such a short time. Man I think you found yourself something you are good at! Great job. I sure am impressed!
Its like night and day J. You have improved a whole shat load in a short time!!! The proportions are much more realistic and better represent a human face than your first cave dude. I am very impressed J!
Well since you can never have too many zombies... unless of course you're being chased by them. Here's my attempt, I was thinking he might be good for a jock zombie or something like that:
I made an attempt with the Rod Serling and it didn't go so well. That was before I learned about using 90% alcohol and sanding to smooth the sculpt. So the surface coupled with my inability to paint turned out pretty poorly