OT Preferist
Re: FS: ANH Ex Kenobi, Dr. Frankenstein & Mt Doom Frodo- Prices Lowered!

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Star Wars ANH Han Solo Head
Star Wars ANH Leia (Parted Out)
Ash Vs Evil Dead- Sean Dabbs
Frazetta Kit- Dark Wolf from Fire and Ice (body not included)
Friday the 13th- Betomatali Head and Mask Sets (sold separately)
GI Joe- Cobra Commander Dome by Pacemaker
Ghostbusters Venkman
Spawn Hamburger Head
ACI General Maximus
1966 Batman
1966 Robin
ALIEN Captain Dallas
Apexplorers Space Adam Ape
Asmus Ghost Face Killer
Avengers Thor
Batman Frank Miller Head- Logan25
Batman Frank Miller Head, Boots & Gauntlets- Rocco
Batman Frank Milller Belt- Gustavo
Beetlejuice Custom
BTTF Marty McFly Ex
Buck Rogers Go-Hero
Code of Myth- Monkey King
Custom Dr. Frankenstein
Custom Dutch
Custom Legend Darkness Kit
Custom Ghostbusters
Custom Frazetta Death Dealer
Custom McQuarrie Stormtrooper Kit
Custom Obi-Wan Kenobi
Custom Pam Vorhees (decapitated)
Custom Westworld Gunslinger
DC- Batman Ex
District 9 Wikus sculpt (xenoviper)
Dragon Astronaut
Escape From New York Snake Plissken- Customized
Evil Dead II- Custom Ash (full figure)
Evil Dead II- Ash Head- Betomatalia
Fight Club Tyler Durden (Craftone)
Firefly Captain Mal (custom)
Firefly Captain Mal QMX
Friday the 13th Custom Beto head
GI Joe Cobra Commander v2
GI Joe Duke (custom)
GI Joe Stormshadow v2
Gort and Klaatu Amok Time Set
GOTG Gamora
GOTG Rocket & Groot Ex
GOTG Star-Lord Ex
Happy Days Fonze (custom)
Harry Potter Voldemort
Hellboy 1:1 Right Hand of Doom
Hot Toys Avengers Mark VII Exclusive
Hot Toys DX Indy Head
Hot Toys Iron-Man M3 BD Ex
Hot Toys DX Jack Sparrow
Hot Toys Hellboy
Hot Toys Robocop
Hot Toys T-800 set
Hot Toys The Wolverine
Indiana Jones Tanis Set
Indiana Jones Mola Ram Set
Judge Dredd
Lego A-Wing
Lego AT-ST
Lego Desert Skiff
Lego Jabba's Palace
Lego Landspeeder
Lego Rancor Pit
Lego Tie Fighter
Lego Wampa & Battle Packs Lot
Live by the Sword Blackbeard the Pirate
Live by the Sword Vlad the Impaler
LOTR Aragorn (custom)
LOTR Frodo
LOTR Frodo (Mt Doom)
LOTR Gimli
LOTR Legolas
LOTR Merry
LOTR Pippen
LOTR Boromir
LOTR WitchKing (Asmus)
Mars Attacks Ambassador
Matrix Neo Lobby Scene
Moe Productions BrBa Chem Suit
Modern Horror Jason Vorhees Pt 3
Monty Python- Night Who Says Ni
Pennywise- Betomatalia
Popeye The Sailor Custom
Predator 2- City Hunter Predator
Predator 2- Elder Predator
ReAnimator Dr West sculpt- Caine
Rebel Ape Medicom
The Shining- Jack Torrance (The Screaming)
Spawn Kit & Suit 9FSeb & Mei)
Star Trek- TWOK Spock
Star Wars OOM-9
Star Wars 501st Clone Trooper
Star Wars Anakin ROTS Custom
Star Wars Assaj Ventress
Star Wars C-3PO
Star Wars Commander Bly
Star Wars Clone Captain
Star Wars Clone Commander
Star Wars Clone Lieutenant
Star Wars Clone Sergeant
Star Wars Clone Trooper Phase 1 (custom)
Star Wars Commander Cody
Star Wars Commander Gree Ex
Star Wars Darth Maul Ex
Star Wars Darth Vader ANH Exclusive (custom)
Star Wars Emperor's Throne
Star Wars General Grievous Ex
Star Wars Grand Moff Tarkin (custom head)
Star Wars Han & Luke in Stormtrooper Disguise
Star Wars Han Solo loose parts
Star Wars Infantry Battle Droid Set Ex
Star Wars Jango Fett- Medicom
Star Wars Kenobi ROTS Ex (custom)
Star Wars Ki Adi Mundi
Star Wars Kit Fisto Ex
Star Wars Mace Windu Ex
Star Wars Obi Wan Kenobi Ex (ANH) Custom
Star Wars Padawan Kenobi Ex
Star Wars Palpatine/Sidious 2 Pack Ex
Star Wars Planet of the Apes Lot
Star Wars Plo Klook Regular
Star Wars Plo Klook Ex
Star Wars Qui Gonn Ex
Star Wars Sandtrooper Sergeant
Star Wars Sandtrooper Squad Leader
Star Wars Sith Probe Droids
Star Wars Speederbike Ex
Star Wars Yoda Jedi Master Ex
Spenser Tron & Flynn
Terminator T-800 Ex
Terminator T-1000 w/donut head
The Thing from Another World
Thor Dark World- Loki Exclusive
Tony Meis Vader Tunic and Cape set
Total Recall Quaid
Universal Monsters Mr Hyde
Universal Monsters Phantom of the Opera
Universal Monsters The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Universal Monsters The Invisible Man
Watchmen- Rorschach by Caine
WGP MacReady Head