Brilliant- I don't have to try and work out EST/PT from GMT and stay up all night now as I am not bothered about the nameplate
This might be my first LSB.
Any idea which Galactus this is based on?
This might be my first LSB.
Any idea which Galactus this is based on?
don't forget everyone 3 days and counting, feb 14 10:00 am est
good luck.
don't forget everyone 3 days and counting, feb 14 10:00 am est
good luck.
So...why didn't they just make a 20 inch format Silver Surfer instead of the puny small one included in this LSB? Since they're producing one...why not just make it in a bigger size? Aiyah.....
uhm, i was just joking about the 3 days and feb 14 think, it's still feb 13 at 10am pst.
just don't want people to think i mislead them and made them miss the PO.
but yeah as far as i know, the surfer does come with both versions.
On the Game One MUA.
He reminds me of Dr. Manhattan. All it needs is a splash of blue...That looks incredible. Almost makes me want to get one. One thing, Surfer's head looks too small.
The head on the surfer is so tiny. What's up with that?
YEAHHHHH BABY! bring on thanos!
I don't know if its been mentioned yet but looks like Pablo Viggiano was a sculpter on this piece.
Man To much time wasted on the Freaking surfer!! who cares!! im sure is the last thing some body will lay there eyes on when they look at Galactus!