Okay, cool.
You posted that right when I was done editing my post.
Not always. Only if it's a distressed item. Otherwise, it's retail price.
If you can pull that off i shallbefore Galactus
One word Epic!!
Good God, someone needs to get this man a Galactus LSB pronto.
i actually JUST paid for one from a member here, Yodasan! so hopefully it will be on the way soon and i can get started!
If you're doing a life size 1:1 body of Galactus, his head should be the size of a regular sedan car. Tell me you're doing a 1:4 size or so. 1:8 might sound more like it.
I've never seen it in person, but judging by the pics that I've seen then it is definitely not equatable to a normal 1:1.
Nor would I expect it to be since it a part of the LSB line.
lsb's are normally smaller than 1:1?
By a whole lot! I don't really feel LSB's are true 1:2 anyways.
so those of you who have it. if galactus was meant to be man sized. what scale do you think this bust is in?
I think if this LSB was meant for a true scaled Big "G" it would be consider 1/4 scale, and that's being generous. Considering how big the Big "G" actual is.
the LSB line is 1/2 scale...as in humans. of course, SSC doesn't always stick to this perfectly. that being said, galactus' LSB is 1/2 scale in human proportions. so if you created the whole body, he should be half the size of the average human male I'm assuming....basically the size of the 1/2 scale iron man mark III maquette.
perfect. thank you. just what i was wondering. so his head is about the size of other half scale busts and statues.
--- although... it seems bigger than that... but not quite 1:1.