I got mine today and aside from the red lips, I love it. Definately underrated. Of course, there are basically two groups, one that wonders why they did Galadriel at all, the other that loves the character (most likely BookReaders). I'm obviously in the second group and couldn't be happier.
Except that mine came with a broken toe. I've already called SS and someone from Returns is supposted to call me and hopefully I'll get a replacement. SS always takes care of us. I could just glue it back on but that would always bug me and it would always be there annoying me, even if its hidden by her dress.
Her clothing is amazing but theres a huge inseam on the inside of her sleeves that really takes some adjusting to hide, since this one needs replaced I've stopped fussing with it.
I'd debated about repainting the lips, but to be honest, they aren't as bad in person, or I was at least prepared for it from the pics and posts here. I'll have to think hard and see if I really want to mess with them once I get the new one.
Amazingly, I was listening to the LOTR CR soundtracks all day and she arrived just when we get to Lothlorien. It was really an experience opening it up just as that music was playing.