Super Freak
It's a valid reason to pick up a PS3/PS4 to play this game.
Yeah I will be getting a PS4 for Uncharted, I might as well get TLOU too
It's a valid reason to pick up a PS3/PS4 to play this game.
Both games look amazing, I'd have to give a slight edge to AK for my most anticipated of 2015, but I'm really looking forward to MGSV too![]()
Yeah I will be getting a PS4 for Uncharted, I might as well get TLOU too
God of War? They haven't announced it yet, but we can't have a playstation without Kratos. I imagine we'll hear some news next year.
TLOU is game of the decade this far. It definitely was the highest point of last gen.
Last of Us was definitely the best game of the last generation
You need to get out of Nintendo kiddie games and play real games dude
It's not even up for debate.
I have Last of Us. Arkham City and Uncharted 2 were better. Funny that a grown man collecting dolls calling me kiddie.
I don't think it was the greatest game of all time
I hate The Last of Us more than ever, when I really think about what it represents to the gaming industry. Screw this game. I hate its dishonesty, and its pretensions of moral superiority. I hate that it’s going to win Game of the Year awards instead of Grand Theft Auto V simply because it makes for a better game industry mascot. Anybody can whip up politically correct female tropes and make all the bad guys white males — even if they begin with something as sickening as Mankind. It’s just a thin coat of paint, and suddenly extreme misogyny turns into the “industry changing” icon.
It’s the perfection of a foolproof formula which other lazy developers will feel enticed to copy. Call me a dreamer, but I’d still like to see interesting female characters that have three dimensions, not paper cutouts like Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2, born out of fear of criticism from bitchy protest groups and liberal art professors
I can see why that would change--what they ended up with was dark as it is, having a topic like having to kill all the women to stop a virus is pretty heavy, not to mention the controversy that would cause, even if it's handled well.
Plus, there's a logic problem in that, since the human race would die out without women.
mmmmm..... adorkable
I see Alien Isolation is pulling ahead in the polls... very good
Dragon Age is catching up though