Super Freak
The only people who really care about the nudity, are the ones that complain about the nudity.
I don't think the show has to have nudity, but I don't care either way. I just don't understand how it can bother so many people. It's just a pair of ****s every now and then. Who cares.
I love nudity in shows, just adds more of an adult feel, and l prefer adult shows, so they go together perfecty, and wouldn't feel the same wthout it. Such as Sopranos, Boardwalk Epire, Deadwood, an Game Of Thrones. Those shows are so much better with beasts here and there, it's then the whole package.
That's what l hated about "Sons Of Anarchy", it had a pussyness feel to it at times (i know it was the network), but it had no breasts (even in the porn studio). I mean the only bare *** we saw in that show is Jax