Gamorrean Guard 12"

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I hear ya. Here's some Gammy panty screen caps for all:


Also kinda neat, is that the Gammy above about to be dead by Luke is holding Boussh Leia's Force Pike, or one just like it.
I love this figure, by far the fattest 1/6 figure I own, he's huge but anyway still yet to do the head mod but this has to be my favourite SW fig over taking Vader. Think I'll have to get Gartogg to go next to him.
I got my Gamorrean Guard all squared away and he's joined his friends. Had to pull Bib Fortuna and Jedi Luke out of their boxes to finish off my Jabba set.


I'm really tempted to go all out and get a diorama backdrop for this thing. I wonder if I get one of those old Decipher CCG cards and scan it at super hi-res and just do some Photoshop trickery, if that will work?? I want to track down the Bubo set, and I'm, dare I say it. . . tempted. . . to get Gartogg as well.

No way am I paying that much for the Archway though. :lol
I'm trying to do the head mod on my Gartogg, but after I take the head off, getting that plug thing out is impossible, I ended up gripping it with plyers and nearly pulling the whole head inside out, wouldn't budge. Has anybody met this impass? I'd really like mine to look squatter like in ROTJ, his neck is too long and majestic :lol

edit: just saw most people had this problem :S, ill just do the fabric at the back then.

Has anybody done anything else with their gamorreans or are they all on guard duty? i think i might custom mine into some kind of thuggish merc type
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