I'm going to guess by the shaping, the hat is definitely molded material and not cloth.
What is the big deal about the body underneeath the clothes.
Unless you are going to be posing him with just his staff, I do not see a horrible problem.
But hey, if you are going to be posing him with just his staff, then keep it to yourself.
That's the problem. If they kept the old body with which I don't have a problem for this particular character, then the price shouldn't have increased. But the increase in price should have a reason behind and the only reason I and many others can guess is a new body. Nothing else seems obvious to me at the moment.
What is the big deal about the body underneeath the clothes.
Unless you are going to be posing him with just his staff, I do not see a horrible problem.
But hey, if you are going to be posing him with just his staff, then keep it to yourself.
That's the problem. If they kept the old body with which I don't have a problem for this particular character, then the price shouldn't have increased. But the increase in price should have a reason behind and the only reason I and many others can guess is a new body. Nothing else seems obvious to me at the moment.
I'm going to guess by the shaping, the hat is definitely molded material and not cloth.
Still looks real good...
How about that beautiful Tim Miller sculpt, Sean? Can't wait to snap some outdoor shots of this one in the Shire, er, the tall grasses behind my house!