Super Freak
I do most of the time, my kid had put in the basket and I didn't realize it until it was to late. He no longer will go shopping with me anymore, he hasn't always lived with me and where he used to live they didn't pay for their grocerys with their own money, if you catch my drift. I've had to explain to him that we pay for our own food and we have a budget for that food. Don't think he gets it though, just gotta keep trying till it sticks.
Same with my grandchildern, they waste so much food that when I cook I make them eat what they ask for because I paid for it out of my own pocket. They're use to not finishing what they ask for. Example, I was making a corndog for one of them, and she ask if she can have two. I said, finish one and if you still one another, "I'll make it". Well she didn't even take more the one bite of the first one.