Re: Gothmog & Warg
Yeah, UPS sometimes is a little rough with packages. My gothmog box has a dent on the back, thank god the foam protected the Warg and Gothmog. I am a little surprised that Gothmog came detached and in it's own cubby hole in the syrofoam. He is one ugly mf! I jokingly said to my wife "How about putting this as the centerpiece on our dining room table". I knew her response : No way. She doesn't like anything hideous. She only likes the pretty statues like Gandalf on Shadowfax. I think hideous can be cool, hey it's art! The warg is really nice, I think it is one of the best sculpts SSW has done!!!
And on the Mumak, well maybe it is a riderless steed, but a steed nonetheless. We have not seen the whole statue, so maybe a mumak chieftain is atop it? Hoping!