Demi G0D Overseer
I just called you. Where you at homey?
Aww Lonnie!! I put a 'spoiler' tag around it!!
A dedication to the 'Campaign Only' chumps...
I missed the funny.
Aww Lonnie!! I put a 'spoiler' tag around it!!
For GoW Campaign, if you beat it on insane first, does it automatically give you the achievment points for beating on the lesser difficulties too?
Nope, conger is right unfortunately.from what i recall, no. you have to go through on each level to get that achievment.
Nope, conger is right unfortunately.
yeah that wall tends to block your view
Shut it, you little leprechaun.
you can call me what you want if you make me some of that awesome sweet pastry or some tasty bacon
Here's how I see 'Fingaz...
I've said that all along......but I give him credit for using his shotgun or shooting his lancer............unlike some other I care not to mention
Karma do you like it when I shoot you in the face?
from you I can smell you've just had a douche & it's refreshing scent of summer's eve
from you I can smell you've just had a douche & it's refreshing scent of summer's eve