My muse is a fickle b**ch
In one round last night, I was lancering a guy and he walked through it and two pieced me. In a different round, I was being lancered by a guy and went down in like two seconds and couldn't get a melee in. 

Anyone playing Gears 2 nite
I was playing a public execution match last night and two of my team members dropped out before the match started so it was 5 on 3 but my team won the match 5-1 anyway.
I just want to say that I'm sad that The Black flag thread got locked down.
But I respect the Brotherhood you guys were here long before most of us and it's just a shame we all can't get along
Anyone playing Gears 2 nite
I would love to, but I play Indoor Football on Friday nights during the winter months and go drinking and eating afterwards so I won't be able to join you. I hope all you guys playing tonight have a really fun time.
You know I would play Gears 2 but it seems to still take forever to get a game. Have you guys gone back to gears 1. I went back to Cod4 and Halo 3
Anyone playing Gears 2 nite
Anyone playing tonight LMK i'm game.