A little update on what's happend since. In late April i started a 3 month internship at the public library that ended at the end of July to test me in the working field, what my limit is (hours, days...). I was put in the music/movie/video game section putting everything returned in order and cleaning scratched disc's. Everything went well and even though it got boring i did it without complaint. Also, everytime they showed me something new to do they were surprised i could do it as well as them right away. But after 2 weeks i started getting more and more tired and stuff.
So half-way through the internship i had an appointment with my psychologist. She started saying i looked tired and un-happy and i just broke down. It was like all those things she said were too much. So she made an appointment with a psykiatrist to test me for a depression because it looked like the preassure and stress from the county and my caseworker and library and so on were too much for me. Well, we talked to the psykiatrist the week after and it wasnt a depression but ADD and i needed to take a couple test to make sure.
So i did that and last week i was diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and have been put Ritalin for about a month to see if it has any helping effect (so far no). And next week (hopefully) i should hear if i have been approved for a pension (i have too). Getting that would mean i get alot more money each month instead of the very low financial aid i get now. And the county and my caseworker (have had 10 different in 6 years and might get #11 soon) won't be breathing down my neck trying to force me to get a job or go to school when i can't either. Also, the pension is perminent whereas the financial aid can be taken away at anytime and they have threaten to take it away a few times (another load off my mind).
So there you have it. Sorry for the long post with many words. I know it's not something you usually find in our GOW threads

Just thought i would share it with you guys on what has happend lately.