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Refs should be finals MVP if Cavs win.
The problem to my eyes is the inconsistency. Early in the series they hardly called any fouls (which you would think would benefit the Cavs because of their size), and last night they were calling ghost fouls left and right, primarily against Golden State. If you're going to foul people for looking at the opponents funny, that's fine, but do it for both teams and don't change your strategy on a whim (unless it was dictated from on high!). But maybe that was just being in Cleveland and things will be less extreme in Golden State for game 7.

Regarding rigged games, the NBA has a less than sterling history in this department, with disgraced refs admitting that they cheated to help one team win or lose. So, when you see extreme situations like the calls on Curry last night (and James being allowed to just plow through defenders left and right with no repercussions) it can rightly raise eyebrows. Not to say NBA cares about one team winning over another, but surely they want to see these Finals go to a game 7.
Man I am pumped for a game 7. So weird that every game has been won by double digits but overall it feels like a great series. Lebron was out of his mind last night. When he is clicking there is just nobody better. I am actually finding myself rooting for him to win a title in CLE. I couldn't stand him in MIA, but now that he is back in CLE I don't throw up in my mouth when he succeeds. :)
disgraced ref began in '94 therefore using that as the starting point of reference any championship earned from 94 - 16 is a potential candidate for cheating conspiracy or did it just resurface this year? :dunno
They should suspend Steph for throwing his mouthguard into the stands. I lost respect for him, melting down and being such a sore loser. He's just a ***** with a 3-point shot. Klay Thompson abandoned his team at the end of the game by heading to locker room early. GS has some sore losers.

Lebron should have been MVP this year. While ***** curry rides the pine, Lebron willed his team to win. Lebron is just better overall.
Yeah, I am thinking some voters want their ballots back, lol.

Steph was a ***** for sure, but he won't get suspended...probably a nice fine and that's it.
They should suspend Steph for throwing his mouthguard into the stands.

Throwing his mouth piece and showing up the ref and nothing called...(Sheed be like whaaaaa) conspiracy or some will say competitive fire......Game 7 of the way is he best fined.
So, the excuses are it was rigged... ok.

I think some can't differentiate the difference between rigged and manipulated. Nothing in sports can be rigged, nothing. Everything can be manipulated though. Either way, I guess some can't give LeBron credit. Sad.
Obviously you quite young as spots have been rigged for a LONG time. It may not happen really any more with say the exception of MMA which I still have serious questions about but to say nothing in sports can be rigged is flat out WRONG.
disgraced ref began in '94 therefore using that as the starting point of reference any championship earned from 94 - 16 is a potential candidate for cheating conspiracy or did it just resurface this year? :dunno
Well the first thing that comes to mind was that game 6 in Sacrament between the Kings and the Lakers and it was quite simular to last night except the road team got all the riduculios calls insuring a game 7 back in LA.
Well the first thing that comes to mind was that game 6 in Sacrament between the Kings and the Lakers and it was quite simular to last night except the road team got all the riduculios calls insuring a game 7 back in LA.

If I recall that series was called out specifically by said official. Look at teams / players that have won since 94 .... popularity of team / player - Jordan, Duncan, Bryant, Shaq, Wade, James, Garnett think they received help along the way isn't too far fetched but not clear how last nights game stands out as a lone incident if you believe in conspiracy theories.
If I recall that series was called out specifically by said official. Look at teams / players that have won since 94 .... popularity of team / player - Jordan, Duncan, Bryant, Shaq, Wade, James, Garnett think they received help along the way isn't too far fetched but not clear how last nights game stands out as a lone incident if you believe in conspiracy theories.
Who said it was a lone incident?
Refs are inconsistent. That's nothing new. Your perspective of the overall "fairness" of those calls is seen through the lens of your rooting interest therefore it is not really objective. Each team ended up with 25 fouls last night. I think Golden State was committing some of those fouls late in the game because they were down double digits and forced to play more aggressive defensively to get back in the game. When Steph got his last foul they were down 12 with less than 4:30 to go and Cleveland had the ball. Their chances of pulling that out were very slim anyways even if Steph was still in the game. It wasn't his best shooting night and he wasn't in any type of offensive groove due to Cleveland's defense.

I would still put money on GS winning game 7 being at home, but in that scenario I'll be curious to see what they do about the MVP. Barring a monster game from Steph or Clay, GS will have won this series as a team and nobody is more deserving of the MVP than Lebron James to this point. The splash brothers were very pedestrian in games 1-3 and they won the first two despite that.
I have some other thoughts about Game 6 I was going to add, but I wanted to respond to some posts first.

They should suspend Steph for throwing his mouthguard into the stands. I lost respect for him, melting down and being such a sore loser. He's just a ***** with a 3-point shot. Klay Thompson abandoned his team at the end of the game by heading to locker room early. GS has some sore losers.

Lebron should have been MVP this year. While ***** curry rides the pine, Lebron willed his team to win. Lebron is just better overall.

I agree with all your points, except for suspending Curry (the league MVP won't be suspended for Game 7). All that would do is add an asterisk if Cleveland should pull out Game 7.

RE Klay Thompson, Mark Jackson was on point last night when he called out Klay for walking out early.

Yeah, I am thinking some voters want their ballots back, lol.

Steph was a ***** for sure, but he won't get suspended...probably a nice fine and that's it.

Yeah. There is a precedent for suspending a player for throwing his mouthpiece. Udonis Haslem did it in the playoffs, but hit the beloved Joey Crawford and was suspended a game.

Steph said he was aiming for the scorer's table. His aim was so off last night he hit the fan instead. :monkey1

Interestingly enough, the fan was the son of one of the minority owners. I did like the fact that he apologized and dapped them though.
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The first two games Steph had a huge impact just not on the stats sheet. The reason all those others went off was Steph. There was several moments where three Cavs were guarding or watching Steph. There were times he didn't even have the ball and just his moment would get 2-3 players to follow or shade his way. When you take 2-3 players out and make it a 4 on 2or3 it makes your teammates job a LOT easier and they capitalized. You haven't seen as much of that in the last games. The first two games seemed like the Cavs were afraid if him getting going and were hell bent on stopping him and it burned them.
Who said it was a lone incident?

Reading the comments....NBA, refs setting it up for Cavs / Lebron etc. to go 7 games......If folks believe in conspiracies then every team / player since '94 would be in the conversation of receiving help along the way to securing their title. The whole conversation seems pointless because it'd be the rule of the land for over 20 yrs.
Reading the comments....NBA, refs setting it up for Cavs / Lebron etc. to go 7 games......If folks believe in conspiracies then every team / player since '94 would be in the conversation of receiving help along the way to securing their title. The whole conversation seems pointless because it'd be the rule of the land for over 20 yrs.
Last night was just looked really bad. There were thing that were just like WTF? A few times Cavs were shoving people out the way and two seconds later they were touched and foul was called on GS. They just did a really bad job of trying to not make it obvious what was going on. If your going to do it at least make it look good.
Last night was just looked really bad. There were thing that were just like WTF? A few times Cavs were shoving people out the way and two seconds later they were touched and foul was called on GS. They just did a really bad job of trying to not make it obvious what was going on. If your going to do it at least make it look good.

Didn't watch the game, I'm on vacation. Plenty of grabbing and physical plays in replays if called inconsistently that happens...NBA will make it up to the Warriors...Curry tossed his mouth piece that hit a fan and showed up a ref....he will play in Game 7. Balance.....
Yeah, the thing with the mouth guard also speaks to the lack of objectivity by league officials. There is ZERO chance Curry will miss game seven, there won't even be a discussion of it, but any other time, or any lesser of a player, and it would at least be on the table. Curry could have stabbed a fan and would still play. Same with Lebron. Because at the end of the day, the NBA is a business designed to maximize revenue.
Let's not forget how quickly Kevin Love was picking up fouls last night, one of which was particularly questionable on Green. I think that helped Cleveland having him on the bench though.

Also there was a ball that clearly went out of bounds off Golden State which they said was off Kyrie as he was driving to the basket in the second half.

If you are watching play away from the ball, both teams are setting moving screens and shoving off to get open on the perimeter. It isn't just Cleveland. These guys play so fast and the refs have to make split second decisions about what they see. They don't always get it right and it goes both ways.
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Yeah, the thing with the mouth guard also speaks to the lack of objectivity by league officials. There is ZERO chance Curry will miss game seven, there won't even be a discussion of it, but any other time, or any lesser of a player, and it would at least be on the table. Curry could have stabbed a fan and would still play. Same with Lebron. Because at the end of the day, the NBA is a business designed to maximize revenue.

Your not wrong.....