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Can someone with more impartiality confirm or deny that the TNT crew seems rather anti-heat? It's frustrating.
NBA 2012-2013

David west just made a baseline jumper to take the lead back half way thru the third quarter and Marv Albert screamed like a school girl at a Justin bieber concert.
Honesty why do the officials feel the need to decide a game. Fouling out lebron and calling a travel on wade?!? Both bull calls in what could've been a classic finish.
Re: NBA 2012-2013

Honesty why do the officials feel the need to decide a game. Fouling out lebron and calling a travel on wade?!? Both bull calls in what could've been a classic finish.

c'mon you can't deny they were totally legit calls...
Re: NBA 2012-2013

Scary this series could easily be 3-1 Pacers...if not for a coach's bonehead call...
Re: NBA 2012-2013

Honesty why do the officials feel the need to decide a game. Fouling out lebron and calling a travel on wade?!? Both bull calls in what could've been a classic finish.

Wade should have just shot and quit dancing around. Indecision got the best of him..And youre not aloud to stick your foot out on a pick, that's tripping. go pacers!!!!
Re: NBA 2012-2013

I still think Heat will win this series, but hope the Pacers can drag it out as long as possible and give those old bastards in Texas time to recuperate while the Heat players just get that much more wear.