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Super Freak
Jul 23, 2014
Reaction score
At the request of the mods, I thought I'd make a thread for general Star Trek discussions.
It got started by @QuiGonFishing talking about his lack of interest in Section 31, and the mods shut that down before I could comment.
I just wanted to say, I always hope for the best. I had low expectations for both Lower Decks and Prodigy, and both pleasantly surprised me. While my reaction to the trailers has been lukewarm, I enjoy Michelle Yeoh and I'm glad to see Rachel Garrett getting some love. I'll be watching it on Friday, and I'll let ya'll know what i think.
I was born in 1982 so really grew up with the 90s Trek shows and repeats of TOS and saw the movies a bit later. Gave up on new Trek when Enterprise came along though have since watched it all and thought it was ok. Since then I have totally lost interest in all 1990s Trek and now I am TOS and movies 1 - 6 only.

I did not like the JJ movies. Have tried watching the new shows but found they were not for me at all, I do not like anything about them.
That said I am happy people are getting 1/6 figures for their favourite shows no matter what their favourite is. For myself I am looking forward to EXO-6 TOS figures and more Monster Maroon figures.

I think what I like most about the TOS crew is the Kirk, Spock and Bones friendship. I like Scotty also. I love the 60s feel to the show. My late partner was originally from the Philippines. She had never seen Star Trek before, I introduced her to TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT. She fell in love with TOS. The other shows she thought were ok but said she found it hard to really care about them. She did not like the JJ movies either.
I shall contribute to this thread in the most productive and friendly way achievable: A tier list.


Top Tier is DS9 and TNG (no order from left to right anywhere in my list).
A is Season 3 of Picard which, thought not perfect, felt like a proper send-off to them.
B tier is Voyager (unless it was your first Trek then it could switch with one of the above), Lower Decks (though it's ridiculous), and Strange New Worlds.
Noteable mention is I put TOS in B tier. This is the only "flaw" in my rankings besides the potential switching of Voyager. I appreciate it more than I like it. It's too slow for me. If you put in in S or something that's fine. It's in my "not my cup of tea" and I actually like the movies a LOT more than the show.
Other than that my ranking system is perfect and accurate. No opinions here, just facts. My list cannot be questioned.

C tier is Enterprise because it's kind of bad. Watchable. Also the Animated series which I honestly haven't even finished.

Garbage is the rest of 'em.

I shall later make a truly accurate and equally as thoughtful tier list for the movies.

My love of Star Trek is much like a hometown sports team: players and coaches come and go, and some are better than others, but I'm watching every game and cheering them on, hoping for the best.

My 3 favorite shows are TOS, TNG, and DS9, and I find it very hard to rank them against each other. Each are so different with their own particular strengths that it largely depends on my mood which I prefer at any given moment. I have a similar issue with the best of the TOS movies.

Generations was kind of a letdown, but Voyager was my first real disappointment with the franchise. I thought it started pretty strong but was boring me by the end of season 1. The show has a lot of good episodes, but it could have been so much better and I never found the characters that compelling.

Enterprise was largely ignored by me, I was ending high school when it premiered and I was definitely not making the time in college to keep up with it. 10 years after the show ended, I gave it a look on Netflix and was pleasantly surprised to enjoy almost all of it! It felt like a nice throwback to revisit that style of Trek after the Kelvin movies.

Speaking of which, I really enjoyed the first JJ Abrams movie. I loved it in a way that a lot of Star Wars fans loved TFA: "Wow that story was pretty uninspired and lame, but WE ARE SO BACK, baby!"

I feel about INTO DARKNESS the way a lot of other people feel about TLJ: "oh no". But I ended up quite liking Beyond, mostly for it's Trek spirit that was missing from the other movies.

The modern shows are a real mixed back for me. I liked Disco s1 and 2 well enough, frustrating as they could be, but I struggled to maintain interest in the rest of it. Strange New Worlds s1 was good, s2 was pretty bad, and I do not have high hopes for s3. The only modern shows I like without reservation are Lower Decks and Prodigy.

I have a lot of respect for Picard s1, warts and all. They tried, but the showrunner was clearly not suited for episodic tv on a schedule. S2 was a complete waste. Where I break from the general fandom is s3. I did not like it. I thought it was pandering nonsense. "Fan"dering.

As for the new Section 31 movie, I might watch it. But I am so so so sick of both the Mirror Universe and Section 31 and I will be happy to never revisit those ideas in Trek again. They are so played out and they exhaust me.

I just do not think Star Trek is suited for the trends of modern TV. It needs weekly stories, not weekly chapters. Trek used to be unique enough to inspire copycats, and now it is chasing every other trend out there trying to hook a new audience. I hope the next bosses will let Trek be it's own thing. Stand apart and the audience will come.
Here's my tiered list. Obviously some seasons were a lot better than others, but these are just my grades for the series overall.


B SNW, Lower Decks , Prodigy


I should do my own tier list. Buuut, I think it'd have to be by season, because season 1+2 of TNG, season 3 of TOS and season 2 of Picard would otherwise bring the average down a LOT.
Plus, season 4 of Enterprise was absolutely stellar, I think.
Wow reviews for Section 31 are horrendously bad. I wasn't expecting much, but figured it would at least be a bit of mindless fun. But sounds like it doesn't even work on that level.
I'll play.

S Tier: Deep Space Nine
A Tier: TNG, Lower Decks
B Tier: Strange New Worlds, TOS
C Tier: Voyager, Enterprise, Prodigy
D Tier: Discovery, TAS
F Tier: Picard (all of it)
Wow reviews for Section 31 are horrendously bad. I wasn't expecting much, but figured it would at least be a bit of mindless fun. But sounds like it doesn't even work on that level.

I'm trying to keep an open mind.
The RT score for Into Darkness is 84%, and 38% for Nemesis. Those are my two least favorite Trek films, but I think Nemesis is far, FAR superior to Into Darkness, the only Trek film I've ever watched just one time.
A+: TOS (one of the greatest things ever created by a human)
B+: VOY (compelling underdogs you root for, & Aged really well)
B-: TNG ( 1/3 excellent, 1/3 average, 1/3 bad)
C: DS9 ( really, really well written with unappealing cast & characters on ugly sets)
D: ENT: (Berman & Braga running on fumes)

Bonus: TOS movies A+, TNG movies D+
Just opinions, nothing serious ☺
Wow reviews for Section 31 are horrendously bad. I wasn't expecting much, but figured it would at least be a bit of mindless fun. But sounds like it doesn't even work on that level.

Not surprised, one of the actors did an interview and said he’s “terrified of how it’s going to be received, because it’s not the Trek people want.”

Academy will be the same. I have zero interest in that too.
I'm trying to keep an open mind.
The RT score for Into Darkness is 84%, and 38% for Nemesis. Those are my two least favorite Trek films, but I think Nemesis is far, FAR superior to Into Darkness, the only Trek film I've ever watched just one time.

Wasn’t RT complicit in “bought and paid for” positive critic reviews on a lot of newer content? I go with the audience score.

I liked Nemesis, it just wasn’t suitable as the final end to TNG.
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Maybe I'm just easy to please, but I don't find any of the films to be outright failures these days. I detested Into Darkness at first, but it's weirdly grown on me quite a bit now that I've adjusted to their new take on Khan. And I still find those movies to be a fun watch overall, even if they're nothing but eye candy.

Nemesis has a generic villain but also a nice edgy tone and lots of fun character moments. And Insurrection being just an extended TNG episode doesn't bother me at all.

TFF is cheesy as all hell but it's still a blast to watch the TOS crew together. And TMP has a fantastic first half that makes up quite a bit for the V'ger dullness later on.
A+: TOS (one of the greatest things ever created by a human)
B+: VOY (compelling underdogs you root for, & Aged really well)
B-: TNG ( 1/3 excellent, 1/3 average, 1/3 bad)
C: DS9 ( really, really well written with unappealing cast & characters on ugly sets)
D: ENT: (Berman & Braga running on fumes)

Bonus: TOS movies A+, TNG movies D+
Just opinions, nothing serious ☺
Yep, to all of this.
I shall contribute to this thread in the most productive and friendly way achievable: A tier list.

View attachment 753141
Top Tier is DS9 and TNG (no order from left to right anywhere in my list).
A is Season 3 of Picard which, thought not perfect, felt like a proper send-off to them.
B tier is Voyager (unless it was your first Trek then it could switch with one of the above), Lower Decks (though it's ridiculous), and Strange New Worlds.
Noteable mention is I put TOS in B tier. This is the only "flaw" in my rankings besides the potential switching of Voyager. I appreciate it more than I like it. It's too slow for me. If you put in in S or something that's fine. It's in my "not my cup of tea" and I actually like the movies a LOT more than the show.
Other than that my ranking system is perfect and accurate. No opinions here, just facts. My list cannot be questioned.

C tier is Enterprise because it's kind of bad. Watchable. Also the Animated series which I honestly haven't even finished.

Garbage is the rest of 'em.

I shall later make a truly accurate and equally as thoughtful tier list for the movies.

Please excuse. I understand what the rankings of A through F mean. And of course “Garbage” means just that. But what does “S” represent ?
Please excuse. I understand what the rankings of A through F mean. And of course “Garbage” means just that. But what does “S” represent ?
It's a common "above A" rating that originates from Japan which us "S" for "Super" for above A grade things. It's become the norm for rating things online.
So I did my own tier list.
No fancy thumbnail photos, sorry, but I'm a word kinda guy anyway, lol.
Star Trek Tier List.PNG

I haven't watched Section 31 yet, but I have a feeling based on reviews it's going to land somewhere on either C or D.