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Putting this here so the mods don't get snippy.
I think LD fits in just fine. I've honestly not seen anything in it i thought was more ridiculous than, for instance, Paris and Janeway turning into salamanders. Or Sisko dancing the Alamarain. Or Picard modeling tights in Sherwood Forest. Or Kirk running for his life from a giant black cat.
The only real difference is that LD is animated. But there's always been a certain absurdity to Trek. And while the a long, loooong time the writers all tried to hide it (Thus why TAS was in canonical flux for so long) I'm really happy to see them fully embrace it in these modern shows.
Absurd can sit comfortably with serious. Just look at DS9's "In The Cards".


Q’s trickery and holodeck episodes are exempt. I’ll give you the salamanders though.

The DS9 Documentary What We left Behind did a 4k remaster of the big ship battle from Sacrifice of Angels. It was amazing and breaks my heart knowing we will likely never get a full 4k remaster of the series.

The clip can be found on YT for anyone who wants to see it, but I highly suggest finding and watching the documentry, it was really good, and my favorite bit was the What If we had a season 8 writer room breakdown that had Ronald Moore, and Ira Behr both pitching the story.
I believe the ship battle was put together by someone else, and it just got borrowed for the documentary because it was so impressive. But my memory is a little hazy on the details now.

If nothing else it would have been cool to at least remaster a handful of more iconic episodes, like Emissary, Pale Moonlight, Tribble-ations, Way of the Warrior, etc. as part of a box set. Just so we could have a taste of the show in proper HD. But I guess even that was too expensive.