Gentle Giant Strider/Ringwraith mini-bust review

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I think it's safe to say both the SS/Weta and GG lines have their strengths and weaknesses. I have always liked the 1/4 scale size of the SS/Weta line, but overall I have been quite disappointed with the likeness issue. While I would prefer the GG busts to be in a larger scale [I think this is compensated somewhat by the addition of arms and torso], I think their likeness [from what we have seen so far] is much better. I also like some of the originality shown by GG with added touches such as the light-up palantir on the saruman bust, and the removeable helmets for Frodo and Sam. :D
And Skittle holders are cool too!

woodsy said:
I think it's safe to say both the SS/Weta and GG lines have their strengths and weaknesses. I have always liked the 1/4 scale size of the SS/Weta line, but overall I have been quite disappointed with the likeness issue. While I would prefer the GG busts to be in a larger scale [I think this is compensated somewhat by the addition of arms and torso], I think their likeness [from what we have seen so far] is much better. I also like some of the originality shown by GG with added touches such as the light-up palantir on the saruman bust, and the removeable helmets for Frodo and Sam. :D

I agree. I like how GG is doing some different things with this line so far. Thinking outside the box is cool with me.
Darth Loki said:
You can keep your nice looking robes on the SSW busts, I'll keep the busts that actually look like the actor's.

Do I really have to give you some examples of GG pieces that don't look like the actors they portray? There's bad likenesses on both sides.
Fritz said:
Do I really have to give you some examples of GG pieces that don't look like the actors they portray? There's bad likenesses on both sides.

Yup, and GG uses the Laser Scans to help them out get started at least.
I won't be able to afford this line after scaling back, and while the glaring errors in the SSW line were exceptionally off, like Eomer, I think they did a good job on a number of human likenesses. I liked the Theoden quite a bit, always impressed by the striking resemblence to Bernard Hill, and the Samwise and Merry busts were two of my favorites. The creatures is where they really shine though. I sold the busts a while back, so I can't really compare now. The strong suit for GG seems to be armored figures IMO.
I have to admit that the Weta busts simply look more elegant than the GG busts.

I was very picky with my Weta bust aquisitions and with the exception of some recently aquired "Last Alliance" busts, all were of the "baddies", meaning orcs, uruks, trolls, etc. Sauruman and Grima are amazing, as are the Last Alliance pieces. I passed on the "humans", for the most part.

I'm also a HUGE fan of the simple and elegant design of the Weta black bases.

I have the GG Strider and while the facial sculpt is closer to Viggo than any Weta piece, the GG bust just doesn't provide the same "oomph" visually as the Weta busts. The piece is not bad, mind you, but it's just not as intricately detailed or painted.

I'll definitely be displaying the two lines separately. (That's if I even continue with the GG line. Still not sure, as I haven't been able to find a Ringwraith yet.)
I collected a few of the weta busts, but not into busts in general, and trying to get rid of the last remaining few. The GG ones look like half statues and the likeness to the movie actors are much better, but in some ways I like the weta busts a little better. Theodon was one standout, another was the rohirrim soldier bust. The GG ones didn't have that imaginative quality to them and look more like cutouts. I will be getting the GG saruman, it is by far, one of the best busts though. The orc sam and frodo are depictions that we are unlikely to see coming from sideshow, so I'm getting those.
This tough honestly. After looking at the pic of the GG and SSW Strider bust over and over. I don't think the GG bust is much better likeness wise at all. Both are cool for what they are. The GG ones are more like half statues and creative with the bases which I like. The SSW ones are more like fine art pieces done by those that created the movies.