Re: hmm
I for one haven't got a problem with high edition sizes even this high but in the case of the speederbike diarama increasing an edition size from 1500 to 5000 after retailers and distributors have been preselling them for months based on a lower edition size is very shoddy.
I think the big gripe also is when you have 15,000-20,000...probably gonna see some great prices. People don't like to think that they pre-ordered something at a price that will be higher than they actually end up selling for when they ship. Because when they pre-ordered...they were assuming a reasonable LE.
I've had these on order for months, but people who decide to get them now can do so for even cheaper than what I paid/will pay.
Yup, that will always happen in collectibles when money becomes the bigger deal.
Just gotta be glad things are being made that you want to collect.