George Lucas: "I'm Retiring"

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Imagine if episodes 1-3 were done back in 1977-1983 and episodes 4-6 were done in 1999-2005. How different would the Star Wars universe be?
And how many would've booh'ed on ewoks regarding in them only as an appeasement to the very little ones? And they were already back then.
The only thing that makes them wanted in ROTJ at all is the fact they saved the rebellion attack. Well, um, sort of.
Haha, well Cameron at least has been slow to make multiple sequels of his biggest hits... Just think we could've had a Titanic 2!

But really what strikes me about Ep 1-3 was how much the special effects was taking away from the performances. Even the actors involved let slip how difficult it was with practically nothing to interact with in person. I just wish he had spent more time on the important characters and given the actors more to go on.

I think there is a film called Titanic 2 - though it isn't a sequel to Cameron's film.
I understand what Lucas wants do now. He wants to change the movies to be like his original script. Han Solo will be a Jedi Knight and will be a CGI Lucas so that he can be the hero of his own movie.

They just had an interview with Lucas on CNBC.

Long story short, he wants to retire. He was asked whether or not he would continue with the SW movies (7&9...not sure why he didn't say 7,8 & 9, but it's CNBC), and he replied that he wants to retire, and now that Red Tails is over, he wants to finish the Indy story lines and then retire.
The man gets so much hate from fans, but I'll always be thankful for ALL of the Star Wars movies. I was introduced to them as a young child... and they were a huge part of my childhood and helping broaden my imagination. While I do not think a 7,8,9 is necessary... I certainly wouldn't begrudge them being made. I just wish Lucas didn't feel like he was forced into retirement due to fan hatred. If you don't like the prequels, then just don't watch them. /shrug
Agree mostly with your sentiments except I think the premise that GL is retiring because of "fan hatred" is bunk. He's been made a billionaire several times over because of these films and the fans. Really don't think he cares one way or the other. After all this time and the constant, obsessive retooling, he's probably just sick of the franchise altogether. Only wish he'd made this decision prior to the last round of needless edits for the Blu-Ray release (I find the Vader "Noooo!" addition to ROTJ especially grievous).
Lucas should have just left the prequels in other director's hands from the start. When he made ANH; he was wrangled by the studio - and a relatively small budget. Turns out - that was a good thing. As soon as he could do whatever he wanted; we got Ewoks, farting aliens, and ultimately Jar-Jar.

If he retires and hands the SW legacy to someone else - it would definitely be a good thing. Unless that person is the total brown-noser Rick McCallum.
Blaspheme ![/quote]


With the bad came a hell of alot more good...if not, you would not be collecting star wars...LOL. I have always found it funny how so many are critical of one mans universe. Its his it or leave it. In the end I'm in awe of the multitude of creativity that went into these movies...and that direction came from one named George.
Retire from making more money than most would be capable of in their wildest dreams. He revolutionized filmmaking. While Star Wars was by no means his creation alone, it would never have happened without George Lucas. No ILM either. No THX. No high-end collectibles market in the wake of the prequel/special edition revival.

Fans like to pat themselves on the back for his fortune, and it's ridiculous. Did you donate that money or something? :lol

But I'm glad he did this interview so the same old crap could be aired one more time. I hadn't heard it enough, and I'm sure no one else had either. Lucas bashing is truly the domain of an esthetic elite. I don't know that it will ever get old, or if the world will ever truly be worthy.

With the bad came a hell of alot more good...if not, you would not be collecting star wars...LOL. I have always found it funny how so many are critical of one mans universe. Its his it or leave it. In the end I'm in awe of the multitude of creativity that went into these movies...and that direction came from one named George.

I wasn't criticizing "one man's universe". Just the crappy prequels. And the crappy SE version :wink1: