George Lucas: "I'm Retiring"

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George has proven to be off his rocker in pretty profound ways since 1997. But he could have shut down the Harmy project or at least the ease of its distribution and he didn't. So he's good in my book. I hope he enjoys his retirement.
Ok Invictus. I ran out of time, so when you repost, refer people back to this one. :wink1:

devilof76 said:
I'm not. I just think the criticism is as stale and meaningless as his last round of edits.

As for ILM and THX, who else did it? You could say that some kind of space fantasy like Star Wars would have happened anyway (I mean, just look at the potential market for it, illustrated by Lucas's success) but it happened as it did, and by the hand of he who did it.
With the bad came a hell of alot more good...if not, you would not be collecting star wars...LOL. I have always found it funny how so many are critical of one mans universe. Its his it or leave it. In the end I'm in awe of the multitude of creativity that went into these movies...and that direction came from one named George.

Yes, more good than bad, don’t think anyone on these boards is going to deny that. Like it or leave it, though… meh. I’ll buy what I like and leave the rest, criticizing what I don’t like along the way.

Retire from making more money than most would be capable of in their wildest dreams. He revolutionized filmmaking. While Star Wars was by no means his creation alone, it would never have happened without George Lucas. No ILM either. No THX. No high-end collectibles market in the wake of the prequel/special edition revival.

Fans like to pat themselves on the back for his fortune, and it's ridiculous. Did you donate that money or something? :lol

But I'm glad he did this interview so the same old crap could be aired one more time. I hadn't heard it enough, and I'm sure no one else had either. Lucas bashing is truly the domain of an esthetic elite. I don't know that it will ever get old, or if the world will ever truly be worthy.

As I said in my, er, previously deleted post (couldn’t get quotes to display properly, so I deleted my post, which made devilof76’s post not make any sense afterwards – my apologies), I do believe ILM/THX would’ve happened without GL just because that’s what the market was demanding. In regards to the fans, it’s a complicated relationship but Lucas in any event, IMO, has done alright by the fans on his end, even if he does have to deal with the so-called ‘haters’.

Ok Invictus. I ran out of time, so when you repost, refer people back to this one. :wink1:

Haha, no worries. I just no longer had the heat when I went to repost... it seemed so canned, afterwards, trying to re-create it. But it'll happen, sometime in the future... devilof76! *eyes crinkle looking at devilof76*
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YUCK!! No thanks.

So what your saying is you wouldn't even want Micheal Bay to make a star wars movie. Star wars already has allot of action and explosions imagine it. The entire movie would be on fire, tie fighters slamming into planets for no reason while people talk. And when the death star III (size of 8 original death stars) blows up reality stops and yoda is left in a white void talking to a pack of skittles.
So what your saying is you wouldn't even want Micheal Bay to make a star wars movie. Star wars already has allot of action and explosions imagine it. The entire movie would be on fire, tie fighters slamming into planets for no reason while people talk. And when the death star III (size of 8 original death stars) blows up reality stops and yoda is left in a white void talking to a pack of skittles.

And he could give an AT-AT some dangly balls.
Those are awesome photos, I'll definitely be picking-up the book. What a difference it makes, too, having actual sets and costumes instead of everything being blue/greenscreen and CGI. Looking forward to getting this book, especially as I'd heard nothing about it prior to your link (really like that they got cooperation from Kershner and that the forward's been written by Ridley Scott). Thanks for posting that, Nova.

EDIT: Wow, since the article was just published on the 12th, thought the book was upcoming, but just searched it on Amazon and see it came out in 2010. Glad I found out about it, though, will order later today.
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It's funny how people call the prequels crappy. But at the time I remember looking at all the small kids in the theatre opening day and they had the same look i did when I saw the original in the theaters in '77. Some of the haters need to stop and think maybe the prequels weren't solely made for them.

I thought they were ok at the time. After watching Clone wars and the movie in order the movies actually feel better especially after getting to know anakin.

Even my wife who only watched clones season 3 was said as we watched episode 3.

I wish the dude luck and say thanks. Like others said with out this mans body if work we wouldn't have half the hobbies we have now.
...The prequels were crappy though. The original trilogy is great for kids, and adults.

I recently watched the entire saga again for the first time in about a year and I couldn't stand The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. I always knew they were bad movies, but didn't remember them being this..awful.

However, Revenge of the Sith was much more enjoyable.

And I loved the original trilogy, as usual.
Agreed. I'm so tired of the old 'it's for kids' excuse as a way to justify a movie being god-awful. Also sick of this mindset that believes George Lucas is beyond criticism because he's done some great work. It's just ridiculous that we should all love everything he's ever done or will do because we happen to have loved the OT. Oh, but I forgot, having one's own opinion on a case-by-case basis makes one a "hater".
Agreed. I'm so tired of the old 'it's for kids' excuse as a way to justify a movie being god-awful. Also sick of this mindset that believes George Lucas is beyond criticism because he's done some great work. It's just ridiculous that we should all love everything he's ever done or will do because we happen to have loved the OT. Oh, but I forgot, having one's own opinion on a case-by-case basis makes one a "hater".

:stick :rotfl :rotfl
If the dude wants to hang it up then I hope it he enjoys retirement. He's earned that right as far as I'm concerned. Now, as far as SW I enjoy all six movies about the same.

So did anyone here actually watch the vid I posted? Guess I need to be more blunt next time I post. :monkey2

I was really curious to see people's reaction to Lucas saying "storylines", as in plural, for Indy...and/or SW if Indy is only for the 5th movie.

I haven't heard him say a 6th Indy movie before, so are SW 7, 8 and 9 scripts back on the table for someone else to produce?!!? Or is he really going to expand the Indy to a 6th movie?

Anywho, carry on with the bashing. :wave

So did anyone here actually watch the vid I posted? Guess I need to be more blunt next time I post. :monkey2

I was really curious to see people's reaction to Lucas saying "storylines", as in plural, for Indy...and/or SW if Indy is only for the 5th movie.

I haven't heard him say a 6th Indy movie before, so are SW 7, 8 and 9 scripts back on the table for someone else to produce?!!? Or is he really going to expand the Indy to a 6th movie?

Anywho, carry on with the bashing. :wave

I watched it and heres my take on the whole Lucas retirement/bashing/etc.

1. Lucas developed not just one great franchise, but two that will speak to fans for some time to come.

2. Do I have critical thoughts about some of the edits to the OT, do I have some issues with casting/gimmicks from the Ep 1- 3. Yes, but despite owning both the unretouched OT and the latest versions, I always watch the newer versions. Better effects, cleaner transitions, you can go on and on. Romanticize all you want, but they're far superior. So you have to sit through some dialogue changes that don't seem to make much sense to change, so theres a piss poor digital production of jabba, a homonculus Fett, and a few other abominations this fanboy(me) thinks were unneccessary. Big F'n Deal, people need to get off their high horse and accept that no ones going to agree 100% on whats good or bad, at least Lucas has the authority to make changes. People pissing and moaning are pissants, they think their fandom entitles them. All it entitles them to is whining on chats and message boards like little girls, which they've done well for decades.
Can I slice Ep 1 to 3 apart? Yeah, jar jar ( goto insult, right?) and some imo poor casting choices. But again, look at what it brought with it for a little silliness. Clones, Jango, Mace, Christopher Lee, Grievous, Yoda in battle (who with a pulse hadn't been waiting 20 years to see that alone?) I mean you could dwell on the negative, but theres so much goodness in both trilogies.

3. People claiming he didn't revolutionize the industry? Totally blows my mind. All I can say is, its embarassing if these people were around when Star Wars came out and speak so ignorantly. Star Wars wasn't supposed to be a blockbuster, it was slated to be a B movie at best and Lucas busted his ass making his dream come true. He got his shot when Damnation alley went into production hell, but someone with a lesser work ethic looking to pick up a paycheck wouldn't have been ready, guaranteed. Criticize the mans choices all you want, but he earned every dime hes made, people that think he "lucked" out are daft. the only "luck" hes ever experienced is the luck of preparation.

4. hope he enjoys his retirment, but as much as he gets bashed, people will be clamoring for more from him, just like that reporter in the link. Basically talked over him and dismissed the idea of George retiring, lol. Seemed almost disrespectful, but I think it comes from the fact that guy wasn't pokerfacing the fact that he wnats a 3rd trilogy out of Lucas. :rotfl

Oh and PS straight to the point of what you asked Gibby, I think his "retirement" will be pseudo at best. I think as long as he is continued to be asked to work, hes a workhorse, I think he'll stay busy. His movies are a passion for him, not just a job or a way to make a buck.
Yep, watched the interview and it seemed pretty straight forward to me. It sounds like he's still enjoying Indy a bit, but I'm pretty certain he's done with Star Wars, but not because of the criticism. He's said all along that it was Anakin's story and that's complete. Even as a huge SW fan, I have no desire to see a 7, 8 and 9. Might be cool if he gives the reins to someone else and they do something not directly related to the saga in 10 or 15 years (like giving Abrams free rein with Trek, as someone else mentioned).

As far as retirement, he's pretty much said it'll be semi. He's said he's going to work on smaller movies (no more blockbusters), so I'm assuming we'll see something down the road.

The host didn't seem rude or disrespectful at all, IMO, not sure where Niltusk is getting that from at all. It's totally normal for some talk over to happen when they're interviewing over a feed and time is short. Guy seemed like a bit of a fan, actually, so how that can be interpreted as rude... *shrugs*

Also, Niltusk, think you're really ascribing the worst motives and attributes to people that are just expressing their opinions on these films. I'm not a "pissant" for having some criticisms of the movies... Honestly, you obviously have as much bile for anyone with a contrary opinion as anyone here has expressed for some of Lucas' decisions. And in all the criticism, I haven't seen anyone actually trashing Lucas as a person or wishing him ill in his retirement. A few of you have really made a point to wish him well in his retirement like anyone was against it or like you're making some kind of stand on his behalf. Jesus, he's a billionaire. He's going to have a very nice retirement. Kind of goes without saying, doesn't it?
The host didn't seem rude or disrespectful at all, IMO, not sure where Niltusk is getting that from at all. It's totally normal for some talk over to happen when they're interviewing over a feed and time is short. Guy seemed like a bit of a fan, actually, so how that can be interpreted as rude... *shrugs*

As I said, I think he just wasn't pokerfacing his want for a third trilogy. Maybe you don't understand the definition of the word seem, but if I stated, "the boy seemed fine, but was puking". I'm obviously not saying the boy is not sick. Think you're reading too deeply, sorry if I hit you dead on with the pissant statement, I was talking about the tons of nutty fans that he complains about, didn't know we had one right here on the boards.
btw, the pissant critique was obviously pointed at people like myself who are overly critical of minor stuff grow some skin, dude. I admit to being very critical of the Star Wars movies, but its a passion, I TRY not to be a fanatic tho, but I'm borderline. :panic: