George Lucas TV Guide Interview

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I think it would be a mistake not to include Vader. He is the major draw to SW from the general public. Also, there needs to be some stories that flesh out what he was doing between ROTS and ANH.
I was hoping it would include a few straggling Jedi (like the ones from The Rise of Darth Vader) but I can still see good potential even without Vader or Jedi.
tonight's episode...

Bucky the Jawa, underaged and desperately curious, auditions for Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes... but when a devious Gonk droid steals his Kloo Horn, not only is the evenings performance at risk, the very tollerance towards droids, and their place in cantinas is at stake.
I was thinking last night, that Lucas said it would be about minor characters...What do you think if it was about Biggs joining the rebellion or have Tarkin as the main baddie? Would that timeline place it too close to ANH?

Possible characters for the live action series, feel free to add more:

Bail Organa
Governor Tarkin
Young Princess Leia( I really hope not, but you know how Lucas is fascinated by young versions of characters, i.e. Anakin and Indiana Jones)
C-3PO(confirmed, or at least Anthony Daniels has)
General Madine
Mon Mothma
Admiral Ackbar
Boba Fett
Lando Calrissian
Good interview. It looks like he shot Disney down to show the Clone Wars. And I like what he said about Rome.