Getting Priced out, how about you?

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Super Freak
Jul 3, 2015
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We are now seeing prices upward of 300 shipped for most figures. For reference , when I started sub 200 was a thing for most bare bones figures , and unlicensed could be sub 150.

It's not that I cannot afford the hobby, I could probably afford to buy most of HT's releases each year, it's about value for money.

I am just not finding 1/6 figures worth that price, in regards to craftsmanship or just plain value. I still REALLY enjoy the art of it, and the classic characters being brought to life in 1/6, it just seems like the prices are starting to outweigh the ROI for me?

Anyone been thinking the same? Anyone feel the opposite?
Not just you @xipotec Like you said, it's not so much an insufficient funds thing as a "c'mon, they're really gonna' do this to us?" thing.

E.G. I LOVE the Mark III and have purchased many iterations of it in the past. But as @The Buffinator once said a while back, HT got us to buy a figure that they screwed up the previous iteration of for over half a grand with shipping involved. For that reason, I bailed.

Now, I'm still in with the Artisan Wanda cuz the stars aligned and I actually got one, but we're a long way from the $170 I spent on a brand new TFA Cap. Despite how I feel, I'm sure that many will stick around well after all their must-haves have been released.
Yeah, I think I'm in the winding down phase. I don't love the high prices, but space is also increasingly an issue. I think after my current preorders all ship, I'll be just about done. There are few holes that I would need to fill, but not like I do now. I've actually been thinking about doing some significant downsizing.
Not priced out just yet...only because I'm selling older collectibles I've had over the years that I'm no longer interested in. Once they're gone though, I'll likely scale back more. I've had some on PO for ages (Nathan Drake, God of War) that I may cancel or sell on almost immediately. The time between PO and release gets too long and I lose interest.
Not just you @xipotec Like you said, it's not so much an insufficient funds thing as a "c'mon, they're really gonna' do this to us?" thing.

E.G. I LOVE the Mark III and have purchased many iterations of it in the past. But as @The Buffinator once said a while back, HT got us to buy a figure that they screwed up the previous iteration of for over half a grand with shipping involved. For that reason, I bailed.

Now, I'm still in with the Artisan Wanda cuz the stars aligned and I actually got one, but we're a long way from the $170 I spent on a brand new TFA Cap. Despite how I feel, I'm sure that many will stick around well after all their must-haves have been released.
Sounds like something I might have said, but


I not sure if priced out applies to everyone, though it is definitely a factor for me.

What I feel is more indifference. There just aren't that many characters that are being announced by official companies that make me want to shell out $300 and above, the only figure I currently have on pre-order is the new Jack Sparrow from Hot Toys.
At this point, there's a small list of figures that I don't have and haven't been announced, but feel I need to have.

Daenerys Targaryen, Ned Stark, Cal Kestis, Kanan Jarrus, Cassian Andor, Eowyn (LOTR), Haldir (LOTR), Aloy (Horizon), Dutch van der Linde, Chloe Frazier

Those ten are the last characters I feel I really need to have in my collection. I'm running out of display space, prices are getting way too high, and I just feel I'd rather save for a nice vacation instead. I have a handful of figures on pre-order that I have just enough space for, but it's starting to feel like otherwise there needs to be an end game in sight.
We are now seeing prices upward of 300 shipped for most figures. For reference , when I started sub 200 was a thing for most bare bones figures , and unlicensed could be sub 150. Anyone been thinking the same? Anyone feel the opposite?

While this might be a bit anecdotal, I've seen and talked to a decent number of 1/6th collectors who shifted over to 1/12th. They haven't abandoned 1/6th, but have turned it into a trickle at this point. I think some people are getting out, while some are shifting.

For example, I shifted over to Transformers and McFarlane Warhammer 40K. For about 300 shipped, where you are talking for one new HT 1/6th figure, I could squeeze in about 20 loose complete Transformers in bigger loose lot purchases. 20 Tranformers versus 1 single HT Shang Chi, I think that's just no contest.

Where do I think the "value" lies right now in our hobby?

1) Discount outlets. If you can get a McFarlane figure, new, for somewhere between 4.99 and 9.99 each, that's pretty decent. I mean you don't get to get too choosy with discount outlets, but it's hard to beat the volume principle. Where I think discount outlets can truly excel is they can replace the former small level trade. In the old days, you could send a padded mailer with a few accessories in a small trade for 80 cents to 1.50. ( This is a long time ago) Now it's like 7-8 bucks most of the time. So you might not like the whole set for 6.99, but at that price point now ( you are still usually paying gasoline, but not shipping), you can cherry pick sets just because like you like the weapons or stand or something else.

2) Large loose lots. If you can consolidate shipping costs, that's just a huge budget saver. Instead of buying 12 different sets across time, each with it's own shipping cost, maybe you can get a bigger lot all at once. Once something is loose, the price points just drop dramatically in a lot of cases. It's also got a more likely chance to avoid tax too. Not always, but if you can avoid tax, that's huge as it adds up

3) Finding people on the way out and spending enough to chunk out a large segment of their collection. While it seems counterintuitive, someone spending a thousand bucks all at once can sometimes reap more overall "value" in volume than in any other circumstance. The more you buy, the better the pricing can usually be negotiated. The more likely someone will throw something in free or add in extras or loose parts or up your odds with a rarer figure hidden in the mix. Get people on the way out, who are exhausted by collecting and just want to be done with it all.

A "budget" way to collect still exists, but IMHO some of it is initially counterintuitive.

Taking a decade long stretch away from the hobby is one of the best things I've ever unintentionally done.

But yes, if you are saying look at the overall sticker shock, then yes, I am right there with you. I got an ad circular in the mail last week. Round Table Pizza. A single large pizza was like 35 bucks. Yeah, it's not just our hobby. For a while, during the thick of the pandemic, a 30 ounce jar of mayonaisse was like 9 bucks. I'm not saying I buy all the things I see with sticker shock, but it's there.
At this point, there's a small list of figures that I don't have and haven't been announced, but feel I need to have.

Daenerys Targaryen, Ned Stark, Cal Kestis, Kanan Jarrus, Cassian Andor, Eowyn (LOTR), Haldir (LOTR), Aloy (Horizon), Dutch van der Linde, Chloe Frazier

Those ten are the last characters I feel I really need to have in my collection. I'm running out of display space, prices are getting way too high, and I just feel I'd rather save for a nice vacation instead. I have a handful of figures on pre-order that I have just enough space for, but it's starting to feel like otherwise there needs to be an end game in sight.
Well said, I also have a list of figures I'd like to have to complete my collection, most are video game characters which makes things easier on my wallet.

With the high prices and everything that's going on in the world one has to prioritize what's more important so I only get a figure if I'm really passionate about the character and source material. I'd much rather have a smaller and neat collection of beautiful figures that mean something to me than a gigantic collection where every piece just becomes an insignificant drop in an ocean of plastic.
I recall discussions about "when figures hit 150 dollars I'm out" and for a lot of those folk stating that sentiment that was the truth, they wound down and moved on. The community of collectors lost some great dudes while the new guys entering the hobby were the "buy as an investment" or "follow the fad" types who often didn't actually have any passion for the hobby and didn't really contribute any value beyond "here are pics if my new HT acquisition". Gone were the many threads on customising, repair, kitbashing and scratchbuilding, in came endless posts of the same exact figure posted dozens of times by multiple collectors with little true passion for the hobby.

Basically what I am implying is that as prices rise and more hobbyists get priced out, in flow more colectors of wealth, many of whom do not truly have any passion or loyalty to the hobby, so the quality of discussion drops, online communities that were once bustling with activity fizzle out and brands cater more and more to products equivalent to Iphones, with lack of customisability (non removable outfits, non standard connectors, no more separately sold bodies or accessory packs etc) that are more disposable (poor quality materials that degrade quickly or obvious design problems left in since collectors are expected to upgrade later with 2.0 and 3.0's).

That isn't to say is all bad, I guess HT has shown some improvement in regards to materials while companies like Worldbox and Phicen have moved into the base body market vacuum, but the rising prices still result in a sort of brain drain as many old timers full of valuable experience and knowledge bow out.

Luckily the bubble can't inflate endlessly and HT discovered that when the market shrank and they were left with overproduced stock, or when Inart entered the game and competition suddenly became a thing again so they started innovating once more. We may even be seeing some sort of price reduction via Hono also, though that may not last.

Eventually enough folk should get priced out that either A: the hobby bubble bursts and most 1:6 brands go the way of the dodo like TY Beanie Babies after the craze, B: the market shrinks to the point of becoming some weird niche almost no one is aware of or C: the hobby re-sets to more be affordable with new brands catering to neglected low to mid-range market bringing in fresh blood and making the hobby about customising, kitbashing, scratchbuilding and restoring again rather than just pure out the box collecting where everyone has the exact same figures on display.

Whatever the case may be, I am in for as long as I can afford it and when I get priced out I will 3D print, sculpt, modify, glue and paint my own.

I need a bigger house though.
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We are now seeing prices upward of 300 shipped for most figures. For reference , when I started sub 200 was a thing for most bare bones figures , and unlicensed could be sub 150.
Heh, I think when I started with the Sideshow SW and LOTR figures, they were all below $100 😅
It's not that I cannot afford the hobby, I could probably afford to buy most of HT's releases each year, it's about value for money.
Same, I can afford them. But, with the rising prices in 1/6 I’m finding it harder to justify them when I could get larger scale statues that are just as nice if not better for a little more
I am just not finding 1/6 figures worth that price, in regards to craftsmanship or just plain value. I still REALLY enjoy the art of it, and the classic characters being brought to life in 1/6, it just seems like the prices are starting to outweigh the ROI for me?

Anyone been thinking the same? Anyone feel the opposite?
Yup, I still really enjoy the art which makes it difficult to completely move on, but I’m starting to be more content being an onlooker than a consumer the more and more I think about it, at least when it comes to 1/6 scale. I’d rather just buy less but spend a little more on the more important characters
At this point, there's a small list of figures that I don't have and haven't been announced, but feel I need to have.

Daenerys Targaryen, Ned Stark, Cal Kestis, Kanan Jarrus, Cassian Andor, Eowyn (LOTR), Haldir (LOTR), Aloy (Horizon), Dutch van der Linde, Chloe Frazier

Those ten are the last characters I feel I really need to have in my collection. I'm running out of display space, prices are getting way too high, and I just feel I'd rather save for a nice vacation instead. I have a handful of figures on pre-order that I have just enough space for, but it's starting to feel like otherwise there needs to be an end game in sight.
Yes to Aloy!! 100%