Here are some pics I've taken, which show vortex type formations.
This one is from about 8 years ago, showing two white streaks close to the camera. The camera I was using at that time did not have a strap, and it can be seen that the streaks are very solid at the bottom end and translucent towards the top. A bit of background of the picture - I just found that rabbit roaming the streets during the day, and did a door knock to find the right owner, however that little fellow ended up being with me for the past 8 years (past of old age last year). Anyway, I took the pic over the novelty of finding the rabbit (olive), and just so happens the pic has something else in it to remember the occassion

Shot was taken at my mothers house.
This next one was taken few yrs after the first one, at my partners parents home. Their pets were having a play fight, so it seemed a good chance to snap the moment. As can be seen, also has a vortex, a bit more translucent than the first.
This last one was taken in July 2007, which is winter here in AU. I took this shot in my backyard, trying to get a picture of the moon as it had a blue ring around it. Used a newer camera than with the other two pics. There was no fog that night fact, I took about 5 shots few seconds apart of the moon, though in only this pic some type of formation again, kinda looks like a face.
So I either keep buying dodgy cameras lol ..or something else is going on?
Oh, had another pic of my partners father planting in our backyard and there was a red light beam (like a laser) going through him from the sky. He was leaning forward into the ground digging a hole, with the red beam going into his upper back from above, and out under him to the ground in a perfect line. That was a bit disturbing ..reminded me a bit of The Omen, so we deleted it