really? what does that mean Having a Life? I don't have one

I always wondered what people that have a life do, you mean like in the movies when they go out to parties?
yeah that's what I was thinking, everyone has pretty much explained why they hate it,
maybe if Unclechopchop explained why he liked it it would make it more interesting,
I laughed about the "going out" thing you wrote. I know it's mean spirited to say somebody doesn't have a life, but I was a little angered at the stupid comment about how many posts I have. So no anger towards you bro.
NOW, I am going to tell you WHY I thought this GR was decent. AGAIN,just an opinion, but I hope it sheds some light on why I like it ,so you finally will get my thoughts.
1) The story was alright, even though a smidge confusing at first. I can see why some didn't like it, but I thought it got its point across. Just think about it this way. Ghost Rider isn't a character that Marvel gives love to anyways, so to say what goes and what doesn't is kinda just in the air. From a lot of what I have read, Ghost Rider seems to be a super hero that takes form of a flaming skeleton which pretty much is like any other superhero, rather than a spirit of vengeance (most cases with lame writers! NOT the case with good writers which seem to be far and few in between these days). I always had a problem with GR talking. I don't know why, but I just figure he should do less talking and more vengeance doing or something. Again, just an opinion, which this last point makes a great segway to number 2
2) I like the fact that these directors took a different stance like Nolan did for Batman (Oh god I can hear the rants already, but just hear me out). They took GR and made him, well more realistic. A kickass flaming skeleton with a charred skull and melting clothes, and yes, a random bike. It just seems more real that Blaze in this flic is on the run, so therefore has no real income. He builds a bike from what he can get (even though it is a new model bike) and makes it into a rider. A personalized bike, like people make choppers. Instead of his run of the mill bike turning into a full blown chopper with skulls and chains, it just gets burned like GR himself and blows out hellfire. I personally think that the appeal of GR reached a new high. I just couldn't take the whole flaming skull with the T-shirt thing in the first flic.
It's just a realer approach.
3) Also like number 2, I like the real approach to a possessed soul. When Blaze turned into GR, he kinda swayed back and forth, much like alot of these exorcist movies that scare everybody, therefore giving GR a new creepiness. Skulls do make good for horror you know.
4) GR talks a lot less, and when he does, it's just a one liner, but never elaborate. I think this adds some mystery to the character, while he gets down to whipping, with less talk.
5) I liked the fact that when GR gets in a vehicle, he can set the thing ablaze and reek havoc. It's a good touch.
6) I will admit that the transformation of Blaze to GR was kind of meh, but I thought Cage did somewhat of a decent job of portraying a guy that was really struggling with what he was. Have you ever met anybody with mental problems? I have, and they remind me of this. So I easily gave that a pass even though I know some of it was for humor. "So your the devil's baby mama" UGH. That line did make me cringe a bit, but really not too unrealistic to what somebody would say these days.
7) I thought the villian that decayed everything was pretty cool. I could have done without, but I thought it was a good touch. the devil might have been enough as far as a realistic feel goes.
8) I actually think the directors style of shooting came across very well for the character. I also thought the music was a very good choice which helped things flow along. Sure some of it could be off-putting to somebody that is not familiar with these guys style of shooting, but to the people that allow a lot of artistic freedoms, it was pleasing.
9) The budget. Take into consideration that this movies budget was cut in half, and still looks the way it does? C'mon guys, give credit where credit is due. Sure you can make the complaint that Chronicle cost less, but then again, the director is the son of another famous director, which I am certain helped out. Chronicle was pretty enjoyable though so no complaint there except that I hate the whole Blair Witch movement thing going on.
10) The location was genius! Once again Blaze is on the run. The run to where? Who knows, but far away. Plus I love the whole industrial European thing. I guess that's why I like the new Universal Soldier movie. Yeah i said it!
11) the whole penance stare thing. I understand that the average movie goer might be a little confused on that one. I personally think that even though it would be a mystery to some, on the other hand, in this more realistic take, even WE would have to figure it out. He aint gonna explain it to you. "Hey, I'm gonna stare in you eyes now, aaand then you're gonna freak out for the rest of your life" He's just gonna do it. I DO understand some peoples concern with the non explanation though. It was just a unique take though. Take that into consideration.
12) The chain thing. I know some people are up in air about the chain thing. Well once again I thought it was a good touch because if we can accept a flaming skeleton, why can't we accept that the chains come from within him? I really liked the whole chains coming from his mouth in the transformation scene. Pretty hardcore and creepy. Some throw up blood, this guy does chains! Awesome!
So there, some reasons from me. Maybe some will agree, and I know a majority will not. All the same, I made my point (Like you asked) with the hope that I do not offend anybody and maybe change some minds. I try to get along with people and generally don't like to rattle cages. I just really liked this movie and said so. No harm in that. Being unique is a good thing, and I just thought this movie kinda did that. GR needed it. Without it, it would be more of the same, and that same wasn't too well liked in the first try. Sure I can nit pick this and that and say that I would change alot, but guess what? I'M NOT A DIRECTOR! I'm just some jerkofff that goes to the movies too much.
I'm just really bummed that they didn't release ANY toys for this movie while the first one had too many. Hopefully this will change that, but probably won't. I guess I just gotta make one now.....UGH, there goes all my money!!!!