it looks too wesley snipish to me. especially the painted side view.Ada´s Whesley Snipes head looks almoust identichal to Winston´s head.
Check it out
WST I was wondering if you wanted to start up a list of people interested in a Louis? If so put me down for one.![]()
NECA's Slimer looks like it would be inscale. Plus they are re-releasing soon.
Louis as a Ghostbuster or KEYMASTER Louis with Egon's noodle strainer scanning machine on his head? (laugh).
Honestly, if enough people out there want it (and geez, look at this thread!) we'll do whoever else you guys want (but save more characters for a
"wave 2" of Ada Ghostbuster commissions).
But who's popular enough for another wave is a fun topic for conversation. Gatekeeper Dana? Keymaster Louis? Gozer? Janine? Regular Louis? Screaming Venkman about to be slimed? "I've been Slimed" Peter?