Hey guys I just wanted to reiterate some points about this project especially for those who have come in late to the game.
Why this project is slower than others:
From the beginning because most of you guys went through so much crap with Howes I wanted to give you the best possible casting of the heads I could. So I asked and Ryan “Blindvoyeur” volunteered at the same time to pressure cast my GB sculpts so there would be little to no clean up involved and would catch all the detail and overall be better castings than I could do myself.
Because I have to abide by Ryan’s Schedule and the fact the a lot of you have ordered one head or multiples of another have caused me to have to break up sets, so I have to call Ryan for replacement heads so I can complete sets for the next in line. So that is causing some delays (however this is going faster that I thought it would.)
This means I’m not in total control of the project, and that means I can’t give a solid concrete shipping time. I’m very sorry about that and this is most likely a onetime thing with this type of project. I don’t foresee me doing another four head sculpt set project like this again (after the Beatles project that is.)
Most of you, and by most of you I mean the majority of you guys are very understanding and very appreciative about the wait time even with all the other customizers out there who have taken the money and run, so too say. And your confidence in me after all those others have failed you really means a lot to me.
As most of you know I’m what you might call the anti-Chris (Howe’s) in that I don’t start a new project until the current project is done (sans the odd late comer who comes in after a new project is started) and it will remain that way.
As you can see by the list in the first post we’re nearing the end of this one. I mostly have painted sets that I’m working on now and as it’s the holidays the post office is running a lot slower but I hope to have everyone else’s Ghostbusters out to you by the end of the year.
Updates will always be in the first post, just look to the list!
So in conclusion I say thank you SSF for your trust.