The one after mine that was removed? If so, it was posted by King Troll on the Spawn boards.
It said something about going off and dying. Too mean.
The one after mine that was removed? If so, it was posted by King Troll on the Spawn boards.
But…nobody ever dies in G.I. Joe.
i like Darth Cruel's response
maybe they were refering to ROC. if so, they can pickett all they want.
no i meant maybe the ladies were picketting ROC. you know because it was so bad. anybody...bueler....
Yeah, I wasn't referring to ROC or Resolute...those weren't really intended for kids.
facepalm.gifFlagg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Don't say that! Don't you have a grandma?![]()
I think reasoned responses about why they're wrong in their opinion is far more effective than just bashing or posting 'old' jokes.
Posts more like what 316what posted on their comments would do more good.
Violent toys, movies and video games provide outlets for violence that most people don't have in real life and allow them to exorcise these inclinations without committing actual violence.
I'm betting the Grannies don't even know any of the Joe storyline, but are just reacting to them as "military toys."
I believe their objection is that war toys help to indoctrinate young children into the military mindset, making them more likely to either join the military or see military force against other countries as an appealing action instead of peaceful diplomacy. To some degree, I think they are correct. That said, I have a large Hasbro GI JOE collection, and would have no problem, and in fact would vicariously as well as directly enjoy any son I would have getting into GI JOE.
That's not their objection. They think GI JOE teaches kids to use violence for conflict resolution. They said nothing about GI JOE "recruiting" children.
Does Barbie indoctrinate little girls into the anorexic/bulimic skank whore mindset?
Probably more Spears than Jameson. I dont think many little girls spend much time watching hardcore porn.