Man, there are some sick friggin' reference pics in this thread already. Wow! Thanks to all who posted those.
i pray they make this then i know and wont spend my money on the hot toys figure
I heard that. I'm already not interested too much in the HT since I have the Neca which, aside from ugly articulation joints and cheap skull paint job, is extremely accurate.
May I sound off on the whole PF vs Maquette thing everybody is hung up on and confused about here? The question asked refers to it as a PF, but Sideshow never directly referred to it as PF. Sideshow's confirmation only suggests scale (PF and maquettes are both 1/4 scale), but they will most definitely refer to it as a maquette when they announce it. Human characters are refered to as Premium Format as opposed to 1/6 scale, but creatures have always been maquettes.
This is likely Sideshow's use of the term 'Premium' Format.
10. of exceptional quality or greater value than others of its kind; superior:
11. of higher price or cost.
Yeah, that about sums it up, doesn't it?
And here is
a small model or study in three dimensions for either a sculptural or an architectural project.