Nice! That's been a really fun game.
I saw this 1:1 in a video game shop of my town
I canceled my Ex this morning, so someone on the WL should benefit. I prefer 1/4 10-to-1 over 1/6, so I'll wait and see if we get this in PF.
As I understand things, it depends which wait list you get on. There are separate wait lists for normal and Flex pay. If someone cancels an order for item #2001301, it goes to the next person in line on the regular wait list. If someone cancels an order for item #2001301FLEX, it goes to the next person in line on the Flex wait list. So it's "first come, first served" for each respective item number, but the wait list requests don't cross over from one to the other.
Yeah, 9/10 they do.
I am quite ready for Gimli. I really lucked out since I only got on board the line after they announced Boromir, but I ended up going back and getting all the exclusives I missed and all my wait lists converted. So I'm ready to keep my completist streak going strong--I haven't been a completist in a line for a long time.