I wouldn't call it exactly weird, just far from your pretty boy, Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise handsome, which I don't care for.
If he was Goth I wouldn't find him attractive either though.
Nice you guys like something different that what the other guys say they like on here. Not everyone can look, or wants to look, like a porn star.
I was just messing with you

LOL I do not think he is weird, he is a rather good looking guy, (
no ____)
about the girls, yeah girls like that are hot, (the "porn Star" look) I wont lie that I like them too, but is like eye candy, like, yeah they are hot but i couldnt really see myself dating them, But I tend to go for the girls in the dark side too, not only goth girls but like i said, alternative girls, girls with tattoos, piercings, or nerdy girls, I find that their style attracts me more than if they are pretty or not, like you said, they are pretty to me because I like them, but my friends usually say they are freaky, but that's the kind of girls i tend to go for, I have never dated a hot girl like the ones you say,
If I did get the nerve to talk to one of those girls your posted, I'd probably ask them how they keep they sideburns from falling off and they would most likely tell me to f off.
falling off? LOL, that's their hair, they just shave the sides but leave the sideburns part, or you're talking about the make up, yeah that would not be a good first impression
seriously if you dress worst than them you dont need a lot of confidence, they would come to you, I learned that by watching my friend look like a freaking zombie, the girls would warm up to him because he looked half dead with his clothes,