Wow I would have been the happiest kid in the world if my parents made my room look like that. Hell I couldn't even get a damn toy that looked like
godzilla. Lol. Had to settle for that shogun version. Awesome room!
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Man you ain't kidding... I would have killed for a decent looking Godzilla. I had the shogun also... Drove me crazy that he had tiny little spikes.
My fav Godzilla toy I had was the Aurora Model kit...

I must have had like five of them because I kept breaking them by playing with them so much... Then they stopped making them and I was screwed for a long time until they made this

Even though it did not look much like Godzilla either, I almost crapped my pants when I found it at the store.... (I still have it by the way
Then came the Shogun toy and after that was my Godzilla from Godzilla's gang toy line. I still have that I believe.... Every chance my kids have lost it somewhere though... Oh Well, What ya gonna do?

I then got this when I ordered it through Famous Monsters of Filmland... Took forever to get to my house.

That was the last of the American released toys I got for a while... I started getting Bandai stuff after that and then a few higher end pieces... and so on and so forth....
Then came my kids. After I had kids I had all the excuse in the world to go nuts buying Godzilla items.
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