Make sure to check the Godzilla section, in my TRU, Godzilla's 2 aisles over from the main NECA display but because of the 25% sale, they put all Godzilla together, if you see the NECA Apes figures, they should have Godzilla too.
I think it depends on the store. Mine had the Godzilla with the rest of the Neca stuff, not the godzilla movie toys. And one TRU I was at had all the Pacific Rim figures in the video game section. When it comes to the collectible stuff, there's really no organization at TRU, it's all over the place.
Not sure when you found the Pacific Rim figures like that, but NECA's actually arranged with TRU, I think about a month ago, to have all of their figures in one area and hold a bigger selection, they had a big campaign about it on their Twitter feed.
I'm sure Godzilla would have been in the NECA section, but with them running a sale right now they definitely just wanted all Godzilla merchandise in one place.
interesting, my store isn't running a sale, they hardly have any godzilla film stuff. I found the Pacific Rim figures in the video game section just a week before the film came out last summer. I got'em and then TRU never carried them again. I noticed my local TRU is STOCKED full of Neca stuff now, I figured something happened where Neca pushed for more merch in the stores because I've never seen that many Neca figures before.
Yeah, I guess there was a lot of complaining about how you can never find NECA in stores so they made an arrangement with TRU, not sure how it works cuz TRU isn't going to want more peg warmers, but it benefits collectors.
All the newest PR figures were there at mine, man are the new Kaiju huge, they dwarf NECA Godzilla, but that's ok, the 12" tall Godzilla is coming and will be awesome.
Any reviews I have seen say you can't. At first I couldn't either even though it looks as if the mouth is articulated. Turns out it IS. I was fiddling with it trying to get a good pose and my hand slipped and hit the mouth. Now it moves great. I think they are just stiff or maybe some dried paint got in the mouth joints. I am not recommending anyone to try and force anythiing, I don't want to be blamed if it breaks on anyone, lol but yeah it opens and closes.Can you close his mouth... the Protos has the mouth closed and he looked more menacing in a way
Yea I've seen the new PR stuff, not at TRU but at collectors shops, they are pretty large figures, I'm surprised Godzilla wasn't given a similar treatment, but the bigger godzilla is coming so that'll make up for it. that thing looks impressive.
I'd appreciate that! I don't have either but I'm thinking of taking the plunge.I can take one if you want
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Does anyone know if the godzillas Neca is selling on Amazon have the blue highlights?
I'd appreciate that! I don't have either but I'm thinking of taking the plunge.
Picked one up at TRU yesterday in NYC (Times Square local had a ton) - is there an additional 25% off coupon I was missing out on? He was 18.99+tax.