Broke and happy
I mean the dude is responsible for the ******* Godzilla happy celebration jump!
Damn. Damn i was fortunate enough to meet him 2 years ago. He was such a friendly and charming fellow. Who tried to show us much energy as he could. Smiling and laughing at my stories (being translated by his daughter next to him). I could tell back then that he was drawing near, but it didn't seem to affect him much. I also came to find that he was a hilarious pervy old man. He was sitting in a chair the whole time I spoke with him and as I was about to leave, another fellow Godzilla fan came into the backroom where we were. A highly attractive female dressed as a sexy mothra with a lot of skin showing. That man having been seated this whole time, nearly jumped out of his little chair, hobbled over to the woman, wrapped one arm around her shoulder gesturing for a picture to be taken. The whole time with a **** eating grin on his face. It was the best
That is hilarious!
He's all timid and elderly statesman with Bio but then is like GTFO out of my way boy lol.
Oh man i'm dying over those photos Maulfan posted of him flirting but in a Godzilla costume.
Wait in honor of Nakajima you watched a cgi Godzilla movie, for shame Maulfan lol
Teasing, did it hold up?
great story.
Nakajima's love for the ladies is well documented.
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