The Japanese called Godzilla 2014 fat but are quiet about this one? Holy ****
But G2014 was a fat animal, Anime-zilla is a literal mountain.
The Japanese called Godzilla 2014 fat but are quiet about this one? Holy ****
My first thought after looking at G2017 is: Is that Papa Dinosaur or he’s just bloated after being drowned?
This design is a pass for me. Dunno why they just followed G2014’s trend after not praising it at the time.
I dare to disagree: compared with Anigoji (as well as with Shingoji), the 2014 is pretty but boring (in aiming at a certain "realism" in design). Maybe it's a cultural thing: The Japanese Godzillas never aimed for realism in F/X and design. I see the 2017 design like a Japanese take on the 2014, re-inserting the more fantasy-over-realism-like approach to Godzilla designs in general. And that makes it - imho - more interesting.
I hated the anime. Pure borefest and bland edgy crap.
But I really like that Godzilla's design. Much more than GINO14 and Shin.
>not Japanese
>just a prehistoric creature
Godzilla never was just a prehistoric creature - he sure was based to degree on a prehistoric beast, but was by far more than just this: an atomic-age take on a dragon... and therefore more a (modern) mythical (or nightmare-ish) creature than a prehistoric one. And Godzilla (especially 54, 18) is and was a metaphor for the atomic horror - which is hardly based on anything prehistoric
And Godzilla 2014 is none of the above btw.