Interview with Randy at NECA.
how about 62 Kong?
I recently bought X-plus sakai 1989 respective 1992. The 1989 was very easy to get the tail onto the body. The 1992 however was not. I had to heat up the rear end a bit more and eventually I got it in.. Now it is firm and solid. However, I see that the tail end does not cover the rear end completely. It covers most of it fine, however, which the right side outer rim, which should be flush shut with the tail, is visible. It is as if either the tail area is too small, or the rear part of the figure is too big so they don't align. How common is this? Did I make mistake when fitting the tail? It is a bit annoying for such an expensive figure. 100 dollar figure I would have more forgiveness.. but 160? no..
I have attached a picture with flash.. so it looks a bit more dramatic than it is.. and it is quite zoomed in... it is definitely not very noticeable.. only from behind.. not from the sides or front.
Sorry looking closer and I think that the tail end on right side is slightly squeezed in , making it smaller than it should be.
Anyway, did anyone here order the re-issue of radon 1956 25cm? I did, and it has been sitting at the postoffice for a while now. Had no time to pick it up yet... always coming home from work late and weekend will be busy with wife and children coming back from their one month visiting the inlaws.
Looks like the BBTS is the original RIC exclusive version from Japan and the Flossie's version is the Diamond re-issue which probably doesn't light up.
Thanks. This has been rereleased so many times it gets confusing for a newbie like me. So BBTS is the August 2017 Japan release and the Flossie's is the March 2018 US reissue?
I don't care about light-up features but I do care about paint. I think the nighttime versions look better than standard (comparisons here). Is there no good way to get the august 2017 nighttime version in the US except to pay $400? Looks like the recent diamond reissue is matching the original paint and not the nighttime paint.
2010? - Original 30cm?
September 2013 - High Mobility Type -
June 2014 - Resin Ric version -
July 2014 - Summer Wonder version -
Aug/Sep 2016 - Diamond reissue without weapons -
November 2016 - Evangelion color version -
August 2017 - RIC Nighttime Fighting Version -
November 2017 - USA Previews Version -
March 2018 - Diamond reissue -