Super Freak
This is turning out to be a heck of a year for KingGoji. So far, there's the NECA, the S.H.M., the X-Plus FSL figure, and now Yuji Sakai has a new kit coming out (that will undoubtedly be adapted by X-Plus at some point).
I'm sure someone has already posted this here, but in case not--there's a pretty neat looking Kong kit in the works too.
Not sure what I think of the Kong kit. The fur detail is a little soft even for a vinyl. I do love the fact that it comes with the arm extensions. Wish they would have shown at least one shot with them attached. May have to consider it for that fact alone. Of course, I'd buy it and the next day, X-Plus would announce theirs with the long arms being the RIC exclusive.
It's hard to beat the one I already have.

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