Godzilla Collectibles Thread

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Just picked up my first Neca Godzilla figure! They were on sale at Target, 20% off I think it was. Looked so cool I couldn't pass it up for $15

Some more pics of the RIC X-Plus Gigantic G89. It is deserving of the moniker of "Gigantic".


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I just finished that God awful anime on Netflix, not only did Big G look like garbage but Ghidorah’s concept was absurd as well...and the human aspect of the story was the dullest most drawn out Japanese inspired tale I habe ever head in my life.
This isn't 1/6 but since it's a Godzilla thread and I need help I figured I'd ask. So I've been watching all of the Godzilla movies in order the past few weeks. One every few days after a long day at work. I adopted a shelter cat about a year ago who spent a few years in a shelter because no one would adopt her because she was afraid of people. So she's been coming out of her shell lately, and no kidding, she will come and sit on the couch(not by me but on the one across from me) when I'm watching Godzilla movies. I think she likes looking at the colors. It's strange but I'm just happy to have her not hiding someplace(she hid under the couch for the first few months only coming out to eat when no one was looking at her). So I'm trying to find her a Godzilla toy, hopefully a plush, the smaller and softer the better, but one that roars. BBTS has a plus one that roars but it is like 8" tall and I feel that might scare her. Something small that I can dance around in front of her and make it roar and maybe she'll play with. So does anyone know of anything like that? I can't seem to find one small enough for her that roars and is soft. Anyone know of anything like this? Thanks for any help!
Thanks for the suggestion, but that one doesn't roar. Also I think it's a bit too big I think for her. I'm afraid it would scare her since it's probably as tall as her. This is the one BBTS has, but it's also too big and kind of looks like a raccoon/skunk combination but it roars.


Clobbersaurus, I have seen this plush at Target. Not sure if it is the same one that BBTS has.

You are correct that the one linked on Amazon by GDZILLA95 doesn't roar, but it's actually smaller than the one you've listed from BBTS. NECA/Kidrobot have 2 versions of that plush, at least at Target, one that's about 6-8" for around $15 which is the Amazon one, and one that's like 12-14" that roars, not sure what that one goes for. BBTS says the one you linked is 12".

I wanted to get the Kidrobot one for my son as a first Godzilla, but every time we see it in a store he could care less. He did want a plush Ghostbusters logo from Target once though, so I guess that's a fair trade haha.
I wanted to get the Kidrobot one for my son as a first Godzilla, but every time we see it in a store he could care less.

I gave that plush Godzilla to my youngest son two Christmas ago. He loved it. Slept with it every night until this Christmas. I got him a plush Spider-Ham and Godzilla got the boot. :(

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So Target has a slightly bigger version of the Kidrobot one but it roars? As much as I don't want to get anything too big for her, I might go check it out. Thanks!

haha Your son wanted the Ghostbusters logo plush over Godzilla? Wow. You know what, that is a fair trade. One way or another at least he likes the classics and didn't go for some flash in the pan trendy thing that will be forgotten by next year.

You are correct that the one linked on Amazon by GDZILLA95 doesn't roar, but it's actually smaller than the one you've listed from BBTS. NECA/Kidrobot have 2 versions of that plush, at least at Target, one that's about 6-8" for around $15 which is the Amazon one, and one that's like 12-14" that roars, not sure what that one goes for. BBTS says the one you linked is 12".

I wanted to get the Kidrobot one for my son as a first Godzilla, but every time we see it in a store he could care less. He did want a plush Ghostbusters logo from Target once though, so I guess that's a fair trade haha.
Love when X-Plus puts stuff up fro pre-order that was totally unexpected. Sakai 30cm Godzilla 2002. LMS 1964 Ghidorah with the RIC exclusive being the red white and blue poster image. Really glad to see that.
Hey, how well does the new Mezco Kong:Skull Island figure scale with Neca Godzilla/Monsterarts?
Photos if you got them :wink1:
Looking at this photo, the tips on some look dark, don’t believe it was on purpose and probably wear and tear, but it’s not necessarily an X-Plus error.


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